Homemade pistols made of wood. how to make a gun from wood: step-by-step master classes with photos

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents are clutching their heads and children are drooling. Unfortunately, the economic situation and one’s own capabilities do not always allow one to have enough income to please one’s own child with a good gift. Hands and head help us! You can always make some of the toys yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, whatever they want out of wood and sell them.

Wood is a very convenient material; with minimal skill in handling it and the necessary tools, you can do a lot. For girls, you can cut out dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a car, a gun, a sword. The question of how to make weapons from wood is of great interest to them!

The final stage

Using sandpaper of varying degrees of coarseness, remove all unevenness and roughness and sand all sharp corners.
The presence of a grinding machine or machine can speed up the process of final processing of the workpiece. Some details can be highlighted using a wood burning device. At the final stage, to give a more aesthetically pleasing finished look, the toy should be coated with several layers of dark varnish and allowed to dry thoroughly. To add shine and gloss, the product can be polished with wax.

By doing this activity with your child, you will not only promote bonding, but also teach him how to make a gun out of wood. In the process of processing wood material, you can acquire some skills that the child did not possess before. And, without a doubt, it is very nice to have something made with your own hands.

How to make a toy machine and wood

Before you start working on a future toy, carefully draw a sketch of the future machine and transfer it to the material from which the product will be made. In this case, each detail must be drawn separately.

Make sure that the entire set of tools necessary for the job is at your fingertips. For the initial finishing you will need: hammer, chisel, hatchet, plane, wood hacksaw, metal hacksaw, drill, level.

For harvesting, you should choose coniferous wood. And on the blank, leave at least 15% of the material as a reserve. This is required for subsequent adjustments to the shape of the product. All elements of the future machine are cut out separately.

After all the parts are cut out of the wood, you need to move on to the sanding stage. To achieve the desired result, use the following sequence. First, file each piece using files. Then use coarse sandpaper first and then fine sandpaper to bring the surface of the product to the required level of smoothness.

At the last stage, start decorating the future toy. To do this, coat the surface of the wood with varnish, preferably in two layers. Pre-prime the areas where the paint will be applied.

Let the toy machine dry. And you can start playing.


Country crafts from junk - interesting ideas, step-by-step master classes, photo examples
Under this funny name, which originated in 2007 on thematic forums dedicated to military equipment, hides any modern vehicle covered with improvised armor. Wherever it was not used - both during the Second World War, when the USSR had huge problems with armored vehicles, so armor and weapons were even installed on tractors, and during the first Arab-Israeli conflict, when the Jews did not yet have their own Merkavas, and on eastern Ukraine, and from both sides of the conflict.

And all because this homemade weapon has an extremely simple principle. A powerful wheelbase is taken (truck, tractor, anything that can pull a lot of weight) and sheathed with thick metal sheets.

Expert opinion Smirnov Alexander Stanislavovich Wilderness survival instructor. More than 15 years of teaching experience

The thicker it is, the more reliable it is. Actually, that's all.

This homemade weapon will protect you from shrapnel and bullets and will deliver you to your destination. And if you install a machine gun, it will cover you with fire.

In a word, simple and effective.

The website RUKIGDENADO.ru where there is a large archive of homemade ryzny crafts. On the site you will always find useful homemade products that will be of interest to you.

Many fathers make toys for their children, most often these are toy wooden weapons. The boys adore their father's wooden machine guns and pistols. By the way, you can make it, including a gun. In this article we will tell you how to implement this task.

How to make a sword out of wood with your own hands: for play, training or collection

How to make an envelope from a sheet of paper step by step: master classes on making various envelopes from A4 paper with photos and video tips

Having examined in general terms what a sword is, as well as some important nuances, we can move on to its actual manufacture. First, we need to decide what kind of wood we will make the weapon from, which, in turn, depends on its purpose. Some recommend using deadwood or boards made from aspen, birch, ash, maple, oak or walnut. This is a good option for making a training sword. The choice of material must be approached responsibly: the wood must be free of knots, rot and damage from insect pests. It is advisable to soak the selected wood in water until completely saturated, after which it must be dried slowly and thoroughly. If you follow the wood drying technology, you can end up with a fairly strong and lightweight decorative or training weapon.

Wooden sword for a child PHOTO: whitelynx.ru

Having decided on the material, you need to choose the type, model of the sword and the necessary tool. You also cannot do without drawings with dimensions.

DIY drawing of a wooden sword PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Necessary material and tools

In order to make a wooden sword for a child with our own hands, we may need:

  1. Wooden plank.
  2. Nylon cord, twine or strips of genuine leather.
  3. Dye.
  4. Paint brush or roller.
  5. Cardboard or whatman paper for the template.
  6. Wood glue or PVA.
  7. Hacksaw, jigsaw or circular saw.
  8. Sandpaper of various grits, a hand sander or a stationary machine.
  9. Chisels, chisel, plane and mallet.
  10. Clamps.
  11. Manual or stationary router.

You will need the listed hand or power tools regardless of whether you decide to make wooden swords for children from solid wood, plywood or sticks.

A good tool is half the success PHOTO: udivitelno.cc

Making, polishing, assembling and finishing a sword from a wooden board

From the step-by-step instructions below you will learn how to make a wooden sword with your own hands. You can choose a different model and decoration method, but the described manufacturing principle will be the same. First of all, you need to make a template from cardboard or Whatman paper, made according to the required sizes and shapes.

IllustrationProcess description
Take a dry board (preferably without knots) and sand it. This way we will remove dirt and small protruding fibers
We attach the template to the workpiece and trace it with a pencil. We also find the center of the sword
Using a hacksaw or jigsaw, we cut out the blank of the sword. Let's start with the handle
We rearrange the workpiece and press it with clamps to the table or workbench
Using a cutter, make a hole in the top
It turns out like this, still a “raw” sword
Using a router and a special cutter we go along the contour of the sword
Now you need to draw a line on the blade, up to which you can chamfer
Using a grinder, we gradually remove the wood along the contour, simulating sharpening a sword
It should turn out as shown in the photo. Finally, you need to carry out a final sanding with the finest sandpaper.
As a result, we get a sword made from wood with our own hands for children. If desired, you can decorate the toy in different ways. For example, cover the blade with silver paint and wrap the handle with twine, a leather strip or, in extreme cases, electrical tape

The presented step-by-step instructions clearly show how to make a sword from a board easily, quickly and without much expense. If you don’t have a power tool, then even with an ordinary saw, knife and sandpaper you can make a game or carnival weapon. We invite you to watch the video in your home workshop.

Watch this video on YouTube

DIY cartridge keychain

What a cartridge is is known to many, in particular the male half. And what it is intended for is also known. But today we will use the ammunition peacefully and make a keychain out of the cartridge with our own hands.

Before work starts
A 5.45 caliber cartridge is ideal for manufacturing: its height is only 56 mm and it seems that a keychain of this size would be just right. For example, if you use a 7.62 caliber cartridge, it will be two centimeters higher than 5.45 and will be inconvenient in your pocket with keys. Well, at least that's what we think. The problem is that the ammunition is real and you need to act very carefully and carefully so that you don’t have to call an ambulance, and a little later, already in a hospital bed, explain to the police all the intricacies of your craft. So what tools do we need? Here, first, let’s clarify a little: we are talking about a keychain with our own hands, which means we will try to use a simple tool, one that almost everyone has. We definitely don’t need any kind of machine or complex mechanism - everything can be found in your workshop or in a tool box. At worst, you can buy something or ask a neighbor. The photo shows the tools we used:

Required Tools• Two slats. We have them with a cross section of 40*20 mm, but this is not important. A centimeter more or less does not matter much, because their role is simple: to hold the cartridge in a vice. • Sandpaper. It is advisable to use the finest grain that can be found. We also recommend using a fabric-based abrasive, because the paper will quickly become unusable. We will use sandpaper to polish the cartridge. • Acetone and a couple of cotton swabs. By the way, we will start making a keychain with our own hands from them - acetone will dissolve the red marks on the bottom of the cartridge and in the area where the bullet enters the cartridge case. • Skin trimming. Very excellent material for polishing. In our case, a piece of leather belt will be used. • Core and hammer. Any sharp object, such as a nail, will also work. You will need to deactivate the capsule later, so look around for such things. • Vise. At least small, but they are needed. It will be difficult without a vice, and if suddenly you don’t have one, then find at least a couple of clamps. • Drill and drill. You will need to make a hole in the keychain for the ring. We used a drill with a diameter of 3 mm and a drill, which can be replaced with a screwdriver. • Felt attachment for the drill. Also for polishing, although sometimes a piece of leather is enough. But still, it wouldn’t hurt to polish our keychain – beauty plays its role. Do-it-yourself keychain: step-by-step instructions The first thing we’ll start with is removing the red varnish on the cartridge. Some may say that there is no point in this, since further cleaning and polishing will remove the varnish. To some extent this is true, but from experience we know that it is better to remove the varnish with acetone at the very beginning of working on the keychain. Here's a photo of what comes out of it:

Varnish removal
it is clear that the bullet has been completely cleaned and we have already made polishing easier. Don’t forget to wipe the bottom of the cartridge with acetone; there is also red varnish around the primer. Now we move on to the most crucial moment from a security point of view. You will need to drill into the cartridge to remove the gunpowder from inside. Let's make a small explanation about this: there are probably those who would prefer to pull out the bullet and not take risks with drilling. However, then it will be difficult to clamp the bullet back to its original place without scratching the cartridge case. That's why we decided to drill. However, if you act carefully, there will be no consequences. In our understanding, the word “carefully” means low rotations of the drill chuck, precise guidance of the drill and a complete lack of haste. We clamp our workpiece in a vice through wooden slats:

Before drilling
The photo shows that before this we drew a line on the bars to make it easier to align the cartridge and thus drill as accurately as possible in the center. Also, a hole was drilled in advance on the first rail - it turned out to be a kind of guide. You need to clamp the cartridge in a vice firmly enough. There is no need to be afraid - the gunpowder does not detonate, and even if you really wanted to, you would not be able to flatten the cartridge through the rail. We attach the drill and begin the operation at low speed:

First wall hole
It is important to apply moderate pressure here so as not to break the drill, and also to feel the tool in your hands. As soon as the first wall is drilled, turn off the drill or screwdriver and unscrew the vice. Through the hole made, it is necessary to pour out all the gunpowder that is inside the cartridge. Naturally, there should not be any source of fire nearby.

You can figure out what to do with gunpowder yourself. You can flush it down the toilet, scatter it in the wind, or simply set it on fire later to admire the fire. But now the cartridge is almost not dangerous and you can more safely continue drilling the second wall of the sleeve. To do this, we again clamped the cartridge between the slats, and so that it would accurately fall into its original place, we put it on the drill and only then clamped it in a vice:

Second hole
Now you can pull out the drill, insert it into a drill or screwdriver and continue drilling. The pilot hole, if it is made correctly and the chuck is installed correctly, will not allow you to drill along a curve. If you do everything correctly, you will get a neat hole running through the center of the cartridge:

The finished result of drilling
Now you should deactivate the capsule. By itself, it does not pose any particular danger until you hit it with a sharp object and a strong enough blow. But you never know what can happen in your trouser or jacket pocket, so let’s not take any risks. To deactivate we will use a hammer, a core and a vice with slats. As before, the chuck should be firmly clamped in a vice, but it is advisable to install it so that the drilled holes are not blocked by the slats. During a mini-explosion of the primer, a small amount of gases are released and they can slightly loosen the bullet - we don’t need this.

Primer breakdown
For purely aesthetic reasons, try to install the core in the center of the capsule. There is no need to be afraid - you will expect at most a loud bang that even the neighbors will not really hear. One sharp blow with a hammer on the core and your workpiece is no longer completely dangerous. A small amount of smoke, a slight soot on the cartridge itself, but the danger has completely passed.

After deactivation
The photo shows that we “missed” quite a bit, although this is no longer so critical. Now let's start sanding and polishing. We decided to simplify our task and clamped the chuck into the drill. And the instrument itself, in turn, was clamped in the same vice:

Start grinding
And again we will make a small digression to clarify the need for grinding and subsequent polishing. Of course, the cartridge (or rather, an object that is visually similar to the cartridge) can already be used as a keychain. But during operation, the green paint will definitely peel off from the sleeve. Moreover, it will not be a completely cleaned surface, but rather a thickly scratched one. That's why we decided to remove the paint right away. During the grinding process, certain conditions must be met: • The workpiece should not be tightly clamped in the drill chuck. Otherwise, marks will appear on the sleeve that will be difficult to remove. It is better to completely abandon the clamp with a key and trust the force of your hands. • The groove at the bottom of the case will require particularly careful grinding. You may need to fold sandpaper in half or even use a small needle. • Don't forget to sand the bottom part where the capsule is located. There are also recesses that are difficult to reach. • Only the sleeve is sanded! If you start touching the bullet even with fine sandpaper, it will match the color of the cartridge case. And here the peculiarity is that the bullet remains red in color, and the cartridge case becomes silver.

Chuck grinding process
• In the photo above it is noticeable that it is better to periodically turn the drill in reverse - pay attention to the remaining paint on the left side of the hole. • Having sanded one side, rearrange the workpiece and start using sandpaper again. As in the previous case, do not tighten the future keychain too much - only with your own hands and no key.

Polishing a bullet
• Polishing is the longest step in the entire production of a keychain. The most interesting thing is that there is no understanding of when to stop. For example, if all the previous stages took us about 10 minutes, then polishing “stole” about an hour of time. And this is not the limit: more polishing could be done. At least that's what we think.

Polishing the bottom of the chuck
And this is what happened after more than one hour of work:

Ready keychain
keychain from a cartridge, which was made entirely by hand. If anyone thinks that such a product will quickly succumb to corrosion, then they are mistaken. The keychain will polish itself during use, constantly being either in your pocket, or in your purse, or simply in friction with the keys. But the bullet itself will lose a little color and become a little duller.

Keychain made from 5.45 cartridge
However, this is not so critical and can always be polished if desired. You can also try making a personalized keychain by etching a name on it. Here the imagination is limitless: even the number of the unit where you served, even a drawing, even the famous “For the Airborne Forces,” even the logo of your car. Or you can even turn the keychain into a pendant and put a chain through it instead of a ring. In any case, this DIY keychain turned out to be beautiful and quite original. Much better and more interesting than a cartridge turned to size on a lathe.

DIY cartridge keychain

How to make other items?

Crafts for dolls: step-by-step instructions, master classes for beginners on creating doll things and accessories

You can also make a shield and a sword. This question is considered in the case when it is necessary to prepare props for role-playing games. In addition, the purpose may be to use a historical plan in reconstructions.

You will need to smooth out the existing edges and coat the top of the finished product with varnish, also paint it and place it later on at the exhibition. In the case when good paint is used, it will not be possible to decide what material the object is made of until it is picked up.

In a situation where you need to make a weapon for use in battle, then:

  • you need to use thick wood, characterized by strength properties;
  • It should have a comfortable handle.

The last provision applies to those situations when it is necessary to create a fairly comfortable handle so that less vibration is transferred to the hand. In the opposite situation, the hand may be damaged as a result of the blow, or the object may simply be dropped during the first collision. Also speaking about the shield, it can be noted that it is excellent to use a sheet of plywood to make it. When the purpose of use is combat, then experts recommend using those that are bound with iron or steel

In this case, attention should be paid to the presence of a shock-absorbing cushion. When organizing reconstructions, they often want to show a wall-type battle, during which it is quite problematic to deliver heavy and strong blows

A good shield needs to be made when you need to perform in individual combat. Other situations require the use of plywood. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you will be able to make a model of a firearm.

Some craftsmen, after long work, managed to create such a weapon, but after a couple of shots it was torn into small pieces

It is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to use the same scheme in all situations. The tree is considered as a frame into which the barrel is attached, then a trigger type mechanism and firing pin are placed, as well as a magazine

How to make a realistic Kalashnikov assault rifle

A realistic model of the machine can be made at home using available tools. So, here is a list of things you will need:

  • Thick and wide board (thickness should be at least 4 cm);
  • Wood handle (quite thin);
  • Plywood sheet;
  • PVA glue;
  • Dye;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Milling machine;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Magnets;
  • Marker;

First, choose the necessary material for work. It is better to choose a pine board.

When choosing wood for a product, please note that there should be no knots or splinters on it.

We make a sketch on the wood. Using a marker we outline the outline of the future Kalashnikov. It is worth considering that the magazine will be separately attached to the machine, so you need to draw it separately. When the image is ready, begin to carefully cut out the blank using a jigsaw.

How to make weapons from wood

Next, on a sheet of plywood, draw two sketches of the side parts of the machine. These parts will be needed to hide the magazine mounting location in the future. For this you should choose thin plywood.

In order for the magazine to be securely attached to the base of the weapon, you need to try it on and sharpen it several times. Nothing should get caught, only in this case the child will be comfortable while playing.

Use a milling machine to add volume to the product. To do this, it is necessary to chamfer the handle, as well as the butt. Subsequently, sand the workpieces as best as possible.

Take the prepared side parts, cut from plywood, and glue them to the main part of the machine, generously smearing them with glue. Particular attention should be paid to the contour of the workpiece. Then press all the parts for more reliable gluing, and leave for several hours until completely dry. As a result, it is worth sanding the product again so that the plywood parts do not stand out.

Read also: Sharpening angle of band saws for wood

Start modeling the barrel of the future wooden machine gun. At this stage you will need a thin cutting (you can make it yourself or purchase it in the construction department of the store). You also need to cut out the front sight and drill holes in the machine gun in order to later fasten the barrel. Lubricate all parts with glue at the fastening points. After the machine is completely assembled, give it time to dry.

At the final stage, start painting the resulting machine model. You can use dark paint or varnish.

If you prefer paint, use water-based paint. It's safer.

To make the magazine more securely attached to the machine, it is necessary to use magnets. If the purchased magnets are in the shape of a tablet, then before gluing them, it is worth drilling small holes in the magazine and the inside of the machine. The diameter of the holes must match the diameter of the magnets. If you purchased a roll-type magnet, then glue a piece of the magnet of the desired shape and size to the inside of the machine. In this case, a metal plate must be glued to the magazine. It is better to choose quick-drying glue or superglue.

How to make weapons from wood

Now the wooden machine gun is ready. This weapon model is very interesting and realistic, which means it will undoubtedly be in demand among children.

Paper crossbow

This is one of the simplest personal protective equipment, but also one of the most effective to use when someone threatens your life or the life of your loved ones. A paper crossbow can be your creative weapon inspired by reality. To begin, gather your materials, which include regular tape, sheets of printer paper, ice popsicle sticks, string, pencil, X-Acto knife, tape, ruler, and scissors.

Start by making hands with four sheets of printer paper. Cut them in half, but be sure to cut along the line. You can then start rolling each set of four printer papers into a tube with a pencil in the middle, but be sure to do it from short side to short side. Then take your tape and work over the tube, which should be closed at three points along the barrel. Once this is done, you can remove the pencil that you placed in the center.

For the barrel, take five sheets of printer paper and then start combining them before wrapping them into the tube, using the pencil in the middle one more time. You can then glue the tube in a few spots before removing the pencil.

Start inserting the arm supports, start cutting two half inch pieces of your stick and place them on the end of the tube that is on the outside of the barrel. Next, insert a pallet stick into the end and then start lighting the outside of the trunk at 90 degrees.

Start connecting the brackets before tightening the end of the barrel, and then place short sections of brackets on either side of the pinched end. When you're done, start writing them down. Make sure you establish a reliable and strong connection.

Begin drawing the crossbow using a bowling knot that you connect to at the ends. Connect it on one side before securing it with tape and then pull the rope about one inch past the end of one side and then connect and secure that side.

When you're done, start adding your trigger. What you need to do is pull the bow back until you can make a square with your hands. And with a marker, you can mark the point on your gun when the string reaches the center before placing the trigger at that point.

And then, with your knife, start cutting a hole right through the barrel and then get the palette, split it into two equal parts and thread it through the hole to make the trigger. Make sure it can move back and forth and that it is long enough to reach out of the barrel on each side of the hole.

*warning: Do not attempt to work alone on this project if you are a child, but ask your parents for help. It may be too easy to cut your finger or stab you.

Start building the guides by cutting a piece of paper in half along the line and starting to roll two tubes. Start lining up and inserting along the side of the trigger. Take another strip of paper, but cut it into four pieces. Start rolling the tube that you will need to place between the arm of the crossbow. Take the pencil and make sure it fits easily into the tube.

Done, get ready by raising the rope and loading the pencil before you shoot when the attacker tries to hurt you!

Material selection and processing

The choice of material determines how much processing time will be required. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree; it is good for making a club; without special treatment the product will be heavy.

Aspen, poplar, and pine are softer and easy and pleasant to work with. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, you are unlikely to find better material.

It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality well over time.

The wood for products must be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a uniform direction of fibers, and without curvature. It is necessary to dry it, preferably in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the wood dries evenly without direct exposure to sunlight, otherwise it will begin to crack and bend.

Which wood to choose for making?

The choice of material for making weapons is a very important task.

  • Birch is a strong and unyielding material; it is best used to make batons.
  • Aspen, poplar and pine are softer and lend themselves well to various types of processing.
  • But the most suitable wood for homemade wood is oak. Oak wood is well processed, light in weight, durable, and does not lose its characteristics over time.

Before making a workpiece, you need to select a material that does not contain knots, rotten areas, distortions, or heterogeneity of fibers, then dry it without exposure to direct sunlight. When the material is ready, weapons preparation is made.

DIY wooden rifle diagrams

DIY wooden rifle diagrams

Wooden pistol diagram

Mosin rifle diagram

  • Drawing of a weapon made of wood with your own hands
  • #image.jpg
  • Children's sniper rifle with bullets Remington MSR / sniper rifle
  • #image.jpg
  • Pictures Repeating Crossbow Drawings / picpool.ru


Who shot with a firearm and what???, comparison of shooting, feeling which is better... » Boys Forum

DIY rifle made of wood photo

  1. Khatsan 70
  2. #image.jpg
  3. Diagram of the intercom calling panel and its role in repairing the security system

DIY air rifle

DIY wooden weapons

  • DIY sniper rifle photo
  • #image.jpg
  • DIY rifle made of wood photo

How to make a machine from wood for games at home with your own hands

  1. DIY air rifle
  2. DIY crossbow diagram
  3. #image.jpg
  4. DIY rifle made of wood photo
  5. pobedpix.com / Do-It-Yourself Pneumatics Drawings
  6. Explosion diagram of a Mosin rifle

Making a barrel for a rifle

To make a rifle barrel, use a thin aluminum tube. Next, you should saw off the excess with a hacksaw and leave the length that you need. After this, make three identical holes in the resulting barrel, two of which will serve as a support for the mount, and the third for the front sight.

If you still haven’t decided to make a model of a weapon and don’t know how to make a sniper rifle out of wood, quickly join us. It will be more interesting later.

At the next stage, we attach the finished barrel to the rifle model and securely fix it. At the final stage, it is recommended to cover the weapon model with a protective wood varnish. The rifle is ready.


Another type of weapon that was popular among children is the crossbow.

The crossbow is a more complex type of slingshot. Outwardly, it looks like this: a simple wooden clothespin is attached to a small board, and a regular elastic band is attached to the other end. A “loop” is made from an elastic band, and its saddle should fall on the clothespin. The projectile is placed in this “loop”, the elastic band is stretched and clamped into a clothespin. If you press the clothespin, a shot will occur. Unripe rowan fruits, apricot kernels, peas or small smooth stones are used as projectiles.

Match shooter

Another type of weapon that Soviet boys loved very much is the match shooter. It was made from ordinary clothespins. To make it, it was necessary to disassemble a wooden clothespin, use a needle file or a small file to sharpen the place where the spring was located, and sharpen the “trunk”. After this, a spring was put on one of the halves of the clothespin. Next, the halves of the clothespins were connected by opposite sides and secured with electrical tape (in our time, electrical tape can be replaced with tape). A spring acted as a pusher and trigger mechanism. To shoot burning matches, a small piece of “chirkash” from a matchbox was glued to the “barrel.” At the moment the shot is fired, the match is drawn across the “chirkash” and lights up.

Watch the video on how to make a homemade weapon:

How to make a gun from wood

One of the proven ways to engage a child can be military sports games, both in the fresh air and within the confines of a house or apartment. Moreover, the game will be most interesting if you make all the necessary equipment and ammunition yourself.

The key element in this type of game is weapons, and in particular all kinds of pistols and machine guns. You can use weapons purchased in a store, but the most exciting and interesting thing will be to make a pistol from wood with your own hands. This activity can interest the child and contribute to the development of new skills and abilities. At the stage of preparation for the game, the question may arise about how to make a pistol out of wood. You don't need any supernatural abilities to do this. The whole process will not seem overly complicated.

How to make a Schmeisser machine gun

You can make a machine gun from wood in different ways. It all depends on your skill and the materials you have at hand.

To make a machine model you will need:

  • Wooden slats – 2 pcs.;
  • Super glue;
  • Nails;
  • Espagnolette;
  • Hacksaw;
  • Sandpaper;

The boards or slats that will be used must be at least 50 centimeters long. We saw the first strip lengthwise in the middle, leaving only a third. While the lower part needs to be removed. We divide the second rail into two unequal segments. The longer part will be the magazine, and the short part will be the handle of the future machine gun.

The prepared parts of the product must be sanded using sandpaper. Then fasten all the parts together using glue.

Also, any weapon needs a front sight. Make it from a nail, carefully driving it into the upper part of the barrel. Make the trigger in a similar way. Attach a latch to the side of the machine as a bolt.

At the final stage, sand the future toy again with sandpaper. Then cover the entire machine with dark paint. And let the product dry.

Now you can enjoy playing this slot machine and win new victories.


Or in other words - homemade firearms. Honestly, it is worthy of a separate article - so many different options were invented, created and tested by local “Kulibins” of various nationalities. So for now we will focus on the simplest option - the “ignition” type self-propelled gun.

According to modern weapons classification, this is a single-shot ramrod-type pistol. That is, the charge and bullet are placed from the muzzle opening.

On the opposite side, accordingly, there is an igniter hole. The barrel is a metal tube that is attached to an improvised butt.

The charge is directly ignited either manually or using a trigger mechanism.

Despite the extremely simple principle, this homemade weapon is quite effective. At close range it can even kill, especially if it hits any vital organ.

DIY spearfishing gun

There are simple instructions for beginners that anyone can follow.

What is needed to make a homemade underwater gun with your own hands:

  1. The bushing plays an important role in direction. It can be made of stainless steel or duralumin.
  2. Harpoon. To make it you will need a steel rod.
  3. Trunk. It will require steel, brass.
  4. Action spring. You will need a wire with a diameter of 1.6 millimeters.
  5. Piston. It will require stainless steel.
  6. Clip. It is made of stainless steel or brass with a thickness of no more than one millimeter.
  7. Hook. It can be cut from stainless steel or brass.

How to make a spear gun

In order to make a homemade speargun, you must adhere to the following sequence.

First you need to deal with the spring

Because it is an important part of the weapon. To make it, you need skills or you can turn to a turner for help.

If you decide to make it yourself, you must follow the following rules:

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  • It is made using a special lathe;
  • Then you need to carry out heat treatment;
  • Then you need to cover it with a special layer that will prevent it from rusting over time.

What is a sword, types and main nuances of making it at home

A sword is a type of bladed weapon designed to deliver piercing and slashing blows. Initially it was made of bronze and copper, and later of iron and high-carbon steel. There are many types of swords, which differ in size, blade shape, cross-section and forging method. This type of weapon consists of a blade, handle, guard and pommel. The sword has always been a symbol of nobility, honor, an indicator of the status of the owner, and some specimens that have survived to this day have a rich and interesting history. They can even be called a work of art.

Sword of Stannis BarathionPHOTO: i.pinimg.com

The most common, simple, and easy to make and handle are straight, one-and-a-half and two-handed swords. The straight or Slavic sword is the smallest and most convenient for combat, since it can be operated with one hand. Two-handed is the longest and heaviest representative of this type of weapon and allows you to deliver strong and deadly blows.

Straight or Slavic sword PHOTO: cdn.fishki.net Bastard bastard sword PHOTO: worldanvil.com

Two-handed swordPHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

How to determine the optimal sword size

Before you make a sword at home, you need to know certain parameters: length (total and blade) and width. The size of this type of bladed weapon varies depending on the type of sword and the height of the swordsman. Short swords had a blade length of 600-700 mm, long swords - more than 700-900 mm, and their weight ranged from 700 g to 5-6 kg. One-handed models, as a rule, weighed 1-1.5 kg, and long medieval ones had a length of about 900 mm and a weight not exceeding 1.3 kg.

There are the simplest ways to select the length of this weapon: a long two-handed sword, set with its tip on the ground, should reach the swordsman’s chin with its handle, and in Slavic - a weapon in a lowered hand should reach the sole of boots or boots with the tip of the blade. Guy Windsor, a modern fencing expert, recommends the following optimal sizes for this noble weapon:

  • the length of the blade with the handle and pommel is equal to the distance from the floor to the swordsman’s sternum;
  • handle - 2.5-3 palm widths;
  • guard bow - 1-2 palm lengths;
  • center of gravity (CG) - 3-5 fingers (width) under the guard.

The long sword should reach from the ground to the middle of the warrior's chest PHOTO: i.pinimg.com

Center of gravity or weapon balancing

Determining the center of gravity (CG) and balancing the sword is a very important point in the manufacture of this weapon. The ease of control, the force of the blow and the fatigue of the swordsman depend on it. The center of gravity of a sword is the point at which the weapon is in balance. Depending on the shape of the blade and size, the CG is located 70-150 mm from the guard arms. If the balance is shifted further towards the tip, then the blow, although it will be stronger, will become more difficult to handle such a weapon. When you move the center of gravity closer to the handle, it may seem that control has become easier, but the force of the blow drops significantly and the blade becomes more difficult to control.

A simple way to determine the center of gravityPHOTO: cs8.pikabu.ru

Material selection

To make a sword in modern conditions, a variety of materials can be used (steel, wood, plywood, plastic, paper or cardboard). This largely depends on its purpose: for a costume, training, reenactment battles or a collection of imitation weapons. Below, in step-by-step instructions, we will look at how to make a sword from different materials.

Roman bronze sword PHOTO: cdnb.artstation.com Steel weapons PHOTO: mod-games.ru Japanese training bokken sword made of wood PHOTO: i.ebayimg.com

Weapons for self-defense

How to make weapons from wood

So, let's look at weapons that you can make with your own hands.

Each self-defense weapon has its own characteristics, and not all weapons on the list are legal. For example, self-propelled guns and brass knuckles can be punished to the fullest extent of the law.


Roughly speaking, a flail is a weight on a rope, a shock-crushing weapon that can quickly subdue an attacker. You can use anything as a load - nuts, a stone, a hammer, a lead block, or, in principle, any heavy object. We will also need a rope with a loop at the end, which will be put on the hand so that the rope does not fall off. The rope does not need to be put on your hand, but tied to a handle of a convenient length made of wood or other material. The length of the rope from the load can be different, but the optimal one is 40-50 cm. We tie the rope to the load, make a loop at the end and that’s it, we have a serious weapon ready. The weight of the cargo should be 150 grams or more. Of course, such a weapon can easily harm an attacker, but when using any of the listed items, the main thing is not to become a criminal yourself. The weapon works on a swing and the working part of the weapon is the load that needs to hit a certain part of the body. The brush can be carried with you everywhere, as it is compact. You can put it in your purse or pocket, and it will help you out at the right time.

How to make weapons from wood


The baton is the simplest and most well-known item of self-defense. There are many types of batons that can help you get out of a difficult situation. You can use the simplest straight baton, a baton with two handles, which has a wider range of actions. You can use two short clubs for self-defense, with the help of which you can defend yourself very effectively. As a last resort, any stick that is not very long and fits well in the palm will do. We can also use bits, which are also quite effective. Unfortunately, we cannot carry a baton in our purse. At best, it can fit in a backpack.

How to make weapons from wood


The weapon is effective, interesting, but not as simple as it might seem. You need to learn how to use it, and when you pick it up for the first time, the main thing is not to break your forehead, because almost every person who picks up nunchucks for the first time hits themselves on the head with them. Be careful with this weapon, and before using it in a real-life situation, learn how to use it - believe me, it's worth it. Nunchakus became popular to a large extent thanks to the legendary martial artist Bruce Lee. After watching films with Bruce Lee, you will be able to appreciate such weapons as nunchucks. They consist of two pieces of wood, or pieces of any other strong material. At home, we can simply connect two pieces of wood with a rope. We make holes at the ends of the segments in the middle, about 2-3 cm, and holes through the entire diameter, which passes through the central hole. In the middle we get a drilled letter “T”. We take a rope, stick one end in on one side and take it out from the center, and the other end on the other side, and take it out from the center in the same way, and for convenience you can use wire. It turns out that from the center, we will have two ends of the rope peeking out. Next, we insert the ropes into the center of another segment, take them out on the sides and tie them at the top. Nunchucks can be small and can be carried in a purse, backpack, or in the belt of your pants.

How to make weapons from wood


It’s quite a good self-defense weapon, but in order to use it, you need to first prepare it, load it, and only after that you will be able to stop the attacker. A sling looks like this: a rope with a “pocket” in the middle, like a slingshot, into which a stone is placed. At one end there is a loop that fits over the finger and onto the second knot. We put a stone in our pocket and, with simple movements, send the stone to the target. That’s the whole principle, but the point is that you need to know how to use this weapon, and here too at first - the main thing is not to harm yourself. To make a sling, you need rope and a thick piece of material for the “pocket” - leather is ideal. It doesn’t take much intelligence to attach cut leather to a rope, so we won’t consider this.

How to make weapons from wood

Brass knuckles

It's time to look at the brass knuckles. This is a rather ancient weapon, the existence of which many people know. Brass knuckles are a weapon with shock-crushing action. To use brass knuckles, they put it on the fingers, clench a fist and strike with the fist in which the brass knuckles are clamped. Due to the fact that an object is clamped in the palm, the blow is intensified, and the blow is also many times more powerful due to the weight of the brass knuckles, and due to its outer part, which is the working part. The sides of the brass knuckles can also be the working parts. If when striking with a fist, the main points of contact are the knuckles of the thumbs, which do not have such a large area, then when striking with brass knuckles, the point of contact is the entire striking part of the brass knuckles, which allows you to influence a wider area. There are different brass knuckles, but they have the same principle. Brass knuckles can be made at home from lead or wood. From lead : we make a mold and pour molten lead into it. From wood : we cut it out, but the weight will be significantly less.

Brass knuckles can also include fighting rings, and the simplest fighting ring can be made at home from a large nut that can be put on your finger. On the machine, we sharpen the nut to fit the finger and sharpen the top as needed.

Read also: Clamp for power wires

I want to replace that mastery of brass knuckles or a fighting ring is practically impossible without practicing striking techniques. First, learn how to punch, and only then think about using brass knuckles.

This is such a simple weapon for self-defense. But that is not all. Let's continue.

How to make weapons from wood


Yavara is also an ancient weapon of self-defense, but to use it, you also need a little, or maybe a lot of training. Yawara is a wooden stick that is longer than the width of your palm. She can be stabbed at various points on the body, and these blows will be quite painful if you have the preparation. Yavara can be made from an ordinary stick by sharpening it on a machine or with a knife.

A similar weapon is the Kubotan. Yawara and Kubotan have different histories, but, nevertheless, they are similar in principle of action. The main difference between the kubotan is that there is a hole on the edge for a ring on which you can hang anything—keys are the most convenient.

Yawara and kubotan can be carried both in your pocket and in your purse. The main condition is the ability to use it.

How to make weapons from wood


The slingshot, despite its innocent appearance, is a rather dangerous weapon. If the slingshot has a powerful, good rubber band, then the projectile for the slingshot can fly long and fast, which will allow it, if it hits the body, to cause pain and leave a bruise, and if it hits the head, it can simply cause pain, and there may be more serious consequences - it all depends on the rubber band and the projectile. You can buy a slingshot, and the most suitable slingshot is one that has a forearm support. You can make a slingshot yourself from wood or reinforcement. But the main thing here is to find a good elastic band and shells.

How to make weapons from wood


Samopal is the most serious weapon for self-defense among those listed. You can charge a self-propelled gun with anything - bent nails, salt, pellets. The self-propelled gun consists of a handle and a pipe. The handle is for convenience, and so as not to get burned, and we fill the pipe with gunpowder (sulfur) and charge. A hole is made on top of the pipe so that the sulfur in the middle can be set on fire. The pipe must have thick walls so that it does not burst, and be well riveted at the end so that it does not swell. This is a very dangerous weapon for self-defense, which I suggest not using at all.

How to make weapons from wood


Among other weapons for self-defense, I can suggest the following:

Opener . The most ordinary can opener can become a real weapon in the right hands.

Screwdriver . As a specialized item it does not pose any threat, but if it is used as a weapon, it becomes very dangerous.

Scissors . Regular nail scissors, which can serve as a piercing weapon, or heavy household scissors, which can be used as an impact weapon, are perfect for self-defense.

Fork . An ordinary fork can also become a stabbing weapon.

In the modern world, many children are practically indifferent to toys. Electronic gadgets are of much greater interest now. Of course, every parent is concerned about this and tries to introduce their child to games with real objects.

One of the best ways to wean your child off from virtual worlds is to make a toy with him. A do-it-yourself machine will be an excellent toy with which you can have a lot of fun. And if you manage to save it, it will be an excellent souvenir “from childhood”, bringing with it a lot of pleasant memories.

There are several ways in which you can create an automaton. It all depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into the craft. Another important factor is the availability of all the necessary tools. After all, not everyone has a whole carpentry kit in stock.

If the child for whom the product is intended is old enough, then you can further diversify the toy. Namely, add a shooting function.

The main thing to remember is that in order not to overshadow the process of creating a wooden machine, you should also not forget about basic safety rules. Protect your hands when working with cutting tools. Purchase a protective mask and respirator in advance for working on a grinding machine or with sandpaper.

There are a huge number of fun things you can play with your children. Undoubtedly, these are outdoor games. At the same time, an integral advantage of a wooden toy is its durability. The same cannot be said about plastic analogues.

Wooden weapon options

In fact, you can do a lot, the main thing is, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for using weapons for their intended purpose, for role-playing games, for hunting, or maybe for a costume? Homemade weapons made of wood will take the shape and appearance that you desire.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is durability. All paint and thin fragile parts will fall off in a few days, if not immediately.

When schools hold military training camps, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles, 50% of the guys tear off magazines on the first or second day. But these machines are made in bulk, not really caring about beauty, painting them in one color and trying to make them stronger.

How to make a weapon out of wood that won't break, you ask? No way, the item will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

Expert opinion Smirnov Alexander Stanislavovich Wilderness survival instructor. More than 15 years of teaching experience

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated; they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If it is wood, then they make two swords or knives, one beautiful, the other durable.

How to modify a machine

In order for a wooden weapon to be fully equipped, in addition to the machine gun itself, you will need a bayonet, a knife and a belt to carry. This will be especially true if the toy was made of dense wood.

The belt can be made of canvas tape. And it is attached to the machine with two rings of metal wire, or in pre-cut holes. Also, for more comfortable wearing, you should make a “double loop” from the tape. To do this, you will need a piece of a weapon belt twice the standard length and a ring made of thick wire. First, we attach the belt to the machine gun, so that one of the edges is fixed near the barrel, then we thread the belt into the prepared ring and draw it closer to the base of the barrel. We pass the middle of the tape through the fastening near the butt. If everything is done correctly, there should be a long “tail” of the belt, to the edge of which it is necessary to sew a ring made of durable metal, which remains hanging on the fixed section of the belt.

In the future, it is the elongated part of the belt that is put on the person, and the machine gun remains hanging on it. This option of carrying a wooden weapon will allow the child to play carefree, without having to hold the machine with his hand all the time. However, when calculating the length of the belt, it is worth considering that in a free position, the barrel should not touch the ground.

Now your dream wooden machine has been created and is fully equipped!

Finding yourself alone with nature, you have to survive by getting food using improvised means. It’s good if you have a bladed weapon or a hunting rifle with you. If you find yourself in a situation where you have neither one nor the other, you can make a weapon out of wood with your own hands.

Almost any weapon can be made from wood: a bow, a crossbow for hunting, a knife, a spear, a spear, a slingshot, an ax and even a gun. More details on how to make weapons from wood are discussed below.

Cardboard ax

You can use household items such as old boxes to make another homemade weapon. To begin, prepare your materials, including heavy-duty cardboard, duct tape, paint, craft paper, and a flat corner bracket (optional). You can take a pencil and paper and start drawing out your design, including pen and paper, and remember that the simpler the design, the better it will work.

You can start cutting pieces and trace the shape into four or more pieces of cardboard and then cut them with a cutting knife. Don't try this project if you were a child, but ask for help and supervision from an adult. Begin to reinforce the center by having a piece of cardboard serve as the center. Glue your corner bracket between the blade and handle. To make this easier, you can place a dowel rod or thin stick on the handle.

Start pasting in all the pieces and layers and then add the final changes. If desired, use a cutting tool to bevel the edges of the blade. When finished, cover the ax with a piece of tape and then paint it. You can also wrap ribbon around the handle to make it look real. There you have a battle ax ready to fight you!

Wooden bow and crossbow

A bow or crossbow is an effective weapon in the forest, made of wood. There are many video examples of crossbow making that describe the entire process in detail.

First, the crossbow body with a groove for the arrow is cut out. An arc will be attached to one end of the body, and a trigger mechanism will be made at one third of the other end.

At both ends of the crossbow arc you need to make holes for attaching the bowstring. The arc is attached to the body using a strong rope; if it is not at hand, using wire.

The bowstring is attached to the bow in such a way that it passes closely over the body, but does not touch it. The task of the trigger mechanism is to capture the bowstring and sharply release it.

The design of the mechanism can be made in the form of a wide arc or a complex system of hooks.

Arrows for crossbows are made of elastic wood, they are given a cylindrical shape, after which they are polished. The tip can be made of wood, metal or stone.

Not only “cold” weapons can be made from wood. You can make something like a pistol or shotgun, but you need to understand that it will not last long.

The algorithm for making a pistol is simple: you need to make a frame from wood to which the barrel is attached, as well as a trigger mechanism with a striker, you can add a magazine. A metal tube is used as a barrel.

Every self-respecting country that wants to have weight on the world stage spends almost the lion's share of its budget on the development of the military-industrial complex. Target factories are being built, new ultra-modern types of weapons are being developed.

Expert opinion Smirnov Alexander Stanislavovich Wilderness survival instructor. More than 15 years of teaching experience

However, you can effectively destroy enemy combat forces in another way - using homemade weapons. This, of course, is not as effective, but it works great in guerrilla warfare.

And it is about homemade weapons that we will talk today.

How to make a machine gun that shoots rubber bands

Any machine gun model presented above can be modified by adding the ability to fire.

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The easiest way is to attach a small handle to one of the sides of the machine. A thin lath may also work. The “trigger mechanism” can be installed either from above or from the side. The main thing is that it is comfortable for small children's hands.

You can attach the cuttings using nails or superglue. The main thing is that the fastening is reliable.

Another thing necessary for shooting is a rubber band. It is better to use so-called “bank” rubber bands. They cost very little and are the perfect size. There may be a couple of these rubber bands in your organizer. To charge the weapon, weave two rubber bands, attach a paper clip to one of them. If possible, it is better to make several charges. To fire the shot, carefully grasp the paperclip. In this case, the elastic band must be stretched to the very edge of the handle. And then release the paperclip.

Try not to point the weapon at people or animals, as the shot can have significant force and cause harm to others.

Pit trap

Perhaps the most primitive example of a homemade weapon. The soldier does not see the hole, falls into it, runs into stakes or spikes, and loses his combat effectiveness.

What could be simpler? Even ancient and primitive hunters used pit traps to hunt wild and large animals. But people are much smarter than animals, so the main problem is the effective camouflage of such pits.

The best example of the tactics of using these homemade weapons was demonstrated to us by the Vietnamese partisans from 1964 to 1973.

For those who don’t know, the Vietnam War, in which licensed peddlers of democracy massively sucked in the semi-savage Vietnamese people, partially sponsored by the Soviet Union. The very conditions of Vietnam completely neutralized the fierce superiority of the democratizers in armored vehicles and aviation, and the American infantry, as we know, sucks without support.

And here it sucked especially hard - the jungle, high humidity, regular flooding of the territory, tropical diseases, mosquitoes, poor mobility - all this played against them. And then there are the evil Vietnamese, to whom “democracy” did not give in at all and who did their best to complicate the life of the American army.

And we’re not even talking about classical guerrilla tactics, we’re talking about a “silent” war.

The fact is that digging holes in the ground, sticking them with stakes smeared with, excuse me, shit, and waiting for the water to fill them itself is as easy as shelling pears. And a soldier who is blindly wandering along a half-flooded path discovered with such difficulty will obviously not be happy to fail and run into these surprises with all his weight.

There is also a more complicated version - in addition to the stakes at the bottom, spikes were installed on the sides, directed diagonally downward. If a soldier tried to pull his leg out, he also ran into these spikes.

And a very difficult option - two logs studded with nails. The soldier steps on their joint, falls down, the drums rotate, the nails stick in...


Hello my young lovers of homemade toys. You all probably love to play war games using toy guns for your games. But anyone can buy a gun, but here we are, let’s try to make a toy wooden gun with our own hands. For work we will need some carpentry tools. Ask your parents: a hacksaw, a plane, a knife, a chisel. And also the so-called sandpaper. A pencil and ruler will also be very useful to us. If your parents have a workbench, then do the work on it. If not, try performing all the steps on a sturdy stool.

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