Connecting the house to communications. How much does all this cost? on the Nedvio website

Price for connecting electricity and light

Nowadays, life is not comfortable without basic things: heat, electricity, water.

With some functions of the future home, for example, sewerage can be saved by building a septic tank and other autonomous devices, water can be obtained from a well (if groundwater allows it, of course), television can actually be connected via a satellite dish, and the Internet can be mobile..

But all this makes no sense without electricity; you need to be prepared for these expenses in any case.

Connecting the house to communications. How much does all this cost?

You can connect a private household to electrical networks both at the construction stage and after the house is built.

To do this, the owner must draw up and submit an application to a local organization that deals with issues of connecting to electrical networks. Along with the application, you need photocopies of documents certified by a notary office:

  1. A state act approving the right of ownership of a plot and a house;
  2. Passport with TIN code;
  3. A plan with a scale that specifies where the power grid will be located and how much electricity will be consumed.

The cost of connecting electricity consists of technological costs, the price of electrical equipment and the cost of supplying electricity to the household. In total, all this will cost the owner at least 100-150 thousand rubles . The final price will depend on the homeowner’s ability to negotiate with all services involved in electrical networks.

How much does it cost to install plumbing?

Connecting the house to communications. How much does all this cost?

In order to carry out the tie-in, the owner must first develop and approve a water supply project.

Even at this stage, the owner of the property must pay from 3 to 5 thousand rubles. Documentation may cost even more as prices increase from time to time.

Next, you need to ensure that it is allowed to cut into the water supply system (if there is one).

The cost of tapping into the water supply system is again individual. Usually it costs around 5,000 rubles.

Types of water supply systems

Types of water supply

  • Central water supply - in this case, the owner does not need to arrange a source of water supply to the home. It is enough for him to crash into the central water supply line, according to the accepted rules. However, this method has a number of disadvantages: dependence on central supplies, not very good water quality, high cost per cubic meter of liquid.
  • Well - it can be constructed at a depth of 5-15 meters. A pumping station is installed in the well, which supplies water to the house.
  • A sand well is an intermediate option between an artesian well and a well. In this case, when drilling, only the “sand horizon” is affected, that is, the top layer of soil.
  • An artesian well is considered one of the most reliable and desirable sources of water for homes. If drilling and installation work is carried out using all technologies, then the well can last several decades. Moreover, it must be at least 135 meters deep

Cost of sewerage

In recent years, sewerage systems have been installed to improve suburban settlements. If it is necessary to carry out sewerage, you can solve the problem in several ways:

  • resort to the services of a specialized company;
  • hire a self-employed plumber;
  • self-installation.

The cost of installing a sewer system consists of a number of components:

  1. Design documentation is being developed.
  2. The number of floors is taken into account (if there are several floors, the amount increases significantly);
  3. They look at how many points are connected to the sewer. They connect bathtubs, sinks, swimming pools, Jacuzzis, toilets, etc.

The minimum price of sewerage equipment for a one-story house with one toilet, two sinks and a shower will be no less than 60-65 thousand rubles .

How much does it cost to install a sewer system in a private house with your own hands?

The price of PVC materials is quite affordable.

Name of productImageCost, rub.
PVC pipe 0.5 m d 110105
PVC pipe 1 m d 110180
PVC pipe 2 m d 110340
PVC pipe 3 m d 110490
PVC pipe 4 m d 110670
PVC pipe 6 m d 110990
PVC pipe 0.15 m d 5035
PVC pipe 0.5 m d 5045
PVC pipe 1 m d 5055
PVC pipe 1.5 m d 5080
PVC pipe 2 m d 5095
PVC pipe 3 m d 50135
Mounting clamp d 11035
Mounting clamp d 5020
Bend d 110/45о100
Bend d 50/45о20
Tee d 110180
Tee d 5030
Plug d 11075

Compared to metal analogues, PVC components allow you to quickly and easily install sewerage in a private home. The price of individual components and the final cost are more than affordable.


To improve your site and home, it is necessary to install sewerage and communication systems. It is better to start the installation process after completing documentation and agreements with various organizations.

Advice: If you have not yet bought a plot without communications, before doing so, calculate and weigh all the pros and cons. How much more money might you need? Will you really be able to save money? It may make sense to consider another purchase option.

How to install a sewer system - we figure it out from personal experience

If previously a toilet on the street was considered commonplace for a suburban area, now even in dachas, where people come to relax on weekends, homeowners strive to create comfortable conditions. And a lot depends on whether the sewage system was correctly selected, designed and installed. Which treatment plant to choose, how to make a septic tank yourself, when is it better to install one VOC for several houses, how to install a sewer system, what pipes to use and how to lay them correctly in the house and around the area - we discuss these and other questions about organizing sewerage outside the city in this week’s topic .


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Suburban sewerage - new products on the market for individual treatment systems. Uninterruptible power supply systems, sound-absorbing plastic sewer pipes, pumping units needed for sewerage for a private home, wastewater treatment plants and drainage solution - everything you need for your sewage treatment system.

General sewerage: complex treatment or installation for several houses. What are the benefits of integrated treatment systems, and in what situations are collective treatment facilities more suitable. Methods for organizing and connecting sewerage outside the city. How to install a sewer system with your own hands.

Features of wastewater treatment systems outside the city. How to choose a treatment system that is best suited for a large country house and a small country house, how much it will cost, how a septic tank differs from a sealed and absorbent cesspool - specialists come to the rescue.

Fan pipe - simply about the complex. Advice from forum members. Why is a fan pipe needed, what should it be, what diameter will be sufficient, where is it best to install it. We sort everything out with FORUMHOUSE users.

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Implementation of a septic tank system. Personal experience. The hero of this video is sure: the main thing in a septic tank is the presence of oxygen for the normal functioning of bacteria. He will tell you in detail and show how he made his own sewer system for his home, and also share the problems that arose several years after the system began operating.

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Autonomous sewerage. Features of choice. When thinking about draining a sewerage system on a site, you should take a closer look at the market and take a closer look at modern treatment facilities. Autonomous sewerage is perhaps the most popular option, but in order to successfully implement it on the site, it is important to choose the right installation.

A house made of gas blocks and the collective mind of forum members. Water supply and electrical. In this review of a guest house built with the participation of several specialists from FORUMHOUSE, we will discuss how to arrange a home water supply and electrical system.

House from the picture. Communications. Each developer has his own story related to communications. Some people have to start from scratch, some have to redo them, and some are lucky. The hero of the plot, Alexey, belongs to the latter. In the village near Moscow, where they bought a plot, there was electricity, local water supply, and even gas. And yet, even this happy occasion was not without difficulties and alterations. Some things, video surveillance, special “smart” watering from hoses with holes and multiroom, this amazing man did himself - based on the principle of reasonable spending and to be sure of reliability. It was a sad story with the septic tank. For more information about engineering systems, see the story.

Building with woodshed, outdoor shower and ecological toilet. In order not to waste the area of ​​​​the site on various buildings, Andrei Bugaev decided to install an outdoor shower, a firewood shed and a toilet in one room. And in order not to clog the ground and well with sewage from the toilet, he made the structure environmentally friendly.

Forum topics:

About sewer ventilation. Is ventilation necessary in a private house? if the bathroom is only on the ground floor, will one water seal be sufficient or will two be required; how to properly organize the sewage system so that there is no smell, what materials are needed - users of the portal discuss in the topic. Lots of photos.

Standards for the placement of treatment facilities (SNIP, SANPiN). How to install a sewer system in a house so that it suits neighbors and legislation. How to choose a place, at a distance of how many meters from the house and from neighbors to correctly place the sewerage system in accordance with the standards, as well as controversial issues that arise in the process of designing and installing the sewerage system.

How to understand which sewer to make. The choice of type of treatment facility depends on the soil, groundwater level, mode of residence (permanent or part-time), availability of electricity, volume of water consumption, and budget. How to choose which installation to carry out - FORUMHOUSE members share tips. Here you can see what a proper sewer system should look like in a private house; the photos give a clear idea.

Sewerage installation in the house. How to lay pipes correctly - in a brick trench or on sand, how the exit to the toilet should be arranged, how to make a riser, where to install insulated pipes - inside the washing room or under it - in this topic, users discuss pressing issues. Helpful photographs will help you understand the processes.

What angle is needed for a sewer pipe. Clogging of pipes is one of the troubles that can happen if they are laid incorrectly. How and at what angle should a sewer pipe be installed so that nothing gets stuck, what else needs to be done for this - the topic contains a lot of useful information, diagrams and photos.

Bacteria for a septic tank. Some homeowners believe that there is no need to pour anything else into the septic tank - “everything will form by itself.” Others believe that if the residence is not permanent, this approach can lead to the formation of a stone. Let's figure out how to do it right.

Natural Purification Complex (KPO), as well as a Composting Septic Tank. Vladimir43 presented to the readers a new wastewater disposal system, the design of which is based on a conventional septic tank with a wide neck, which is complemented by a composting module consisting of a composting (storage) container and a grease trap. Topicstarter talks about the advantages of the system, and you can also find out how the tests are carried out.

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