What to do if you've seen enough welding and picked up bunnies

The profession of a welder is a job with increased harmfulness. The worker constantly inhales fumes from molten metal and consumables, and also strains his eyes to look through a filter at the electric arc. Welders often experience eye pain from welding. But even greater harm is caused by direct exposure to light from an electric arc. If a welder was looking at the process with unprotected eyes and a flash of bright light hit them, this could cause a burn to the cornea. This concept is popularly called “picked up bunnies.” What to do if your eyes are burned by welding? What treatment exists, and how can traditional medicine help the eyes?

What is electroophthalmia

Welding bunnies are a common phenomenon encountered by both beginners and professional welders. Such a high level of illumination, as from welding, is typical only with prolonged exposure to direct sunlight on the organs of vision. But few people will deliberately look at the sun for so long without eye protection.

Therefore, retinal burns from the sun practically do not occur. Welders have to constantly look at bright lights, so even if you wear protective equipment at all times, there is still a risk of eye damage.

Causes of painful eye sensations from welding sparks

Corneal tissue allows and absorbs ultraviolet radiation. If you look at them without protective equipment, damage to the corneal tissue occurs. A short beam can even reach the retina, causing injury. Long waves have a weaker effect on the body, causing virtually no damage to the eyes.

Photo: welding sparks

However, even if you follow all the rules for working with equipment, you need to know what to do from welding bunnies. Symptoms most often do not begin to appear immediately, but after a certain time. The cornea has nerve endings, so the first symptom is severe pain. The sensation may resemble a grain of sand damaging the eye, but the pain is much worse.

How to get rid of bunnies

Welding bunions must be treated. To do this, you can use both medicinal methods and non-standard medicine based on natural ingredients.

Folk remedies

Sore eyes, if you catch a spark, can be treated yourself at home using folk recipes. The main thing to remember is the principle of treatment - to restore the retina, you need a lot of vitamins and minerals, which have the following effects:

  • promote tissue regeneration at the cellular level;
  • provide a high level of hydration;
  • have antibacterial and bactericidal effects;
  • increase blood circulation in the eye area;
  • normalize eye pressure and accelerate recovery processes.

The following components are best suited for home treatment:

  • aloe vera juice relieves inflammation and swelling, has a tonic effect and accelerates the healing of damaged tissue;
  • products of bee origin - (honey, bee bread) have a restorative effect and help to vitaminize the skin around the eyes. Due to this, lymph flow improves and the mucous membrane heals faster;
  • decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, calendula, string, sage) disinfect the eye organs, tone, eliminate the “bunnies” effect and help speed up cell regeneration.

Most often, these components are used to create compresses and lotions for the eyes. The molecules of the decoction or honey are much smaller than the pores of the skin, so the components easily penetrate into the site of inflammation and act directly there.

eye lotions

Drug therapy

Let's consider what to do if you receive welding burns and how to treat electroophthalmia yourself using medications. Treatment must be comprehensive, which includes the following groups of drugs:

  • antiseptics and antibacterial drugs are necessary in order to speed up the healing process of tissues after welding at home (Levofloxacin, Gentamicin, Tobramycin);
  • anti-inflammatory drops help improve blood circulation, due to which swelling becomes significantly less, intracellular metabolism improves, redness and irritation of the cornea disappears (Ophthalmodek, Visin);
  • Anesthetic drops allow you to bind the nerve endings, so that they stop sending signals to the cerebral cortex. As a result, a person stops feeling pain and tolerates electroophthalmia much easier. It is best to use Lidocaine eye drops for these purposes, rather than injection solution, Novocaine, Tetracaine, Alcaine. It is forbidden to use these drugs more than three times a day, and drip more than one drop at a time;
  • Taufon drops contain the potent component taurine, which enhances metabolism and stimulates the renewal of cells in the tissues of the cornea and retina. Thanks to this, the visual organs recover much faster.

As a precaution, preparations for welding bunnies when used independently should be thoroughly studied - read the composition, instructions, indications and contraindications. And the best option would be to consult an ophthalmologist.

With proper treatment, visual functions are restored within 3-5 days. If there is no improvement as a result of treatment, you should consult a doctor who will help you replace the drugs with more effective ones. It is important to remember that all people are different and all organisms are individual. And if Oftalmodek helps one person, this does not mean that these drops are ideal for everyone.

What to do if you catch a bunny from a spark, you can watch in the video:

Degrees of damage and symptoms

To understand what to do with welding bunnies, you need to understand what degree of burn was received. When exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the cornea, mucous membrane, and retina may be damaged. Depending on the degree of damage, the optimal remedy for welding bunnies is selected or immediate hospitalization is required.

Electroophthalmia is divided into degrees:

  1. First . At this stage, only slight redness of the eyes, lacrimation and discomfort are observed. It may also be accompanied by clouding of the cornea.
  2. Second . Cloudiness of the cornea is clearly visible, and a film can be seen on the membrane, which separates over time. Another sign of the second stage of damage is the formation of erosions on the cornea.
  3. Third . The level of clouding of the cornea is so severe that it loses its transparency. In addition, there are signs of necrosis around the eyes. A film on the eye that does not come off or hardly comes off.
  4. Fourth . Characterized by the maximum degree of opacification of the cornea. It becomes completely opaque, and deep necrotic processes occur in the tissues.

Complete tissue restoration is possible only with the first two degrees of damage. Most often, it is enough to use drops or folk remedies for welding bunnies. To minimize the risk of complications, for any degree of damage to the tissues of the visual organs, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Eye pain from welding: what is it and what are the stages?

  1. Mild degree. There is a burning and itching sensation in the eyes, the conjunctival membrane turns red, and a slight and reversible clouding of the cornea is possible.
  2. Average degree. The pain is pronounced, the conjunctiva becomes very red, and the person exhibits photophobia. A cloudy film forms on the damaged conjunctiva, and the cornea becomes covered with ulcers.
  3. Severe degree. Cloudiness of the cornea leads to severe vision impairment. A constant nagging pain is felt in the eyes, the eyelids swell, the patient himself indicates a feeling of “sand” or foreign bodies under the eyes.
  4. Extremely heavy. There is an increase in pain, burning and stinging. The cornea becomes opaque and faded, and the process of tissue necrosis begins, which leads to the death of the conjunctival membrane and subsequent loss of vision.

Each stage has its own treatment - from the use of local ophthalmic drugs to surgery.

Symptoms of welding bunnies

Even experienced welders cannot always determine the condition in which the visual organs are damaged by welding equipment. Moreover, not only the master can catch bunnies, but also a person who observes the welding process even from a very considerable distance.

Photo: symptoms of welding spots (electroophthalmia)

The main symptoms of electroophthalmia include:

  1. Burning . Any burn causes a burning sensation, so exposure to ultraviolet rays is no exception. If the eye damage is mild, the burning sensation may be felt as eye fatigue or discomfort.
  2. The appearance of light spots before the eyes . It is because of this symptom that electroophthalmia is popularly called “catching bunnies.” If you look at the sun or a light bulb for a long time, a bright spot appears before your eyes. But the more and more intense the ultraviolet radiation affects the organs of vision, the longer these bunnies will remain. If a welder does not follow safety rules, this can even lead to loss of vision.
  3. Feeling of sand in the eyes . One of the most unpleasant sensations is the feeling of sand getting into your eyes. If you rub your eyes at the same time, the condition will only worsen, and a serious inflammatory process may begin.
  4. Headache . Unpleasant sensations in the eye area are transmitted to the entire head. The pain is especially strong if you suddenly turn your gaze to the other side.

If at least a few symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to get rid of welding bunnies, prescribe effective treatment and provide first aid. With the initial degree of damage to the visual organs, you can provide first aid yourself, and use traditional methods for further treatment.

Briefly about the causes and symptoms of the disease

The main cause of eye burns is an electric arc. It is formed during the operation of a welding machine and is a powerful source of ultraviolet radiation, the same as in the rays of the sun.

For a person to burn his retina with welding, it often takes just a few seconds to look at it. And this is despite the fact that the welding machine produces radiation much weaker than that of the sun. This situation is explained by the close distance of the source and its point concentration. After a person has seen enough of welding, a retinal burn occurs.

The clinical picture of this can be either bright or practically absent. Symptoms primarily depend on the degree of electroophthalmia. There are several of them:

  1. The first and mildest degree of eye burn after welding. The patient may see enough sparks while working and feel a slight burning or itching, the cornea of ​​the eye becomes cloudy and turns red. Most often, with this form of the disease, all symptoms are short-term.
  2. In moderate cases, photophobia, corneal erosion and severe pain occur.
  3. Severe eye burns from welding are characterized by clouding of the cornea, the conjunctiva becomes covered with a film, the eyelids swell, and a persistent sensation of a foreign body appears in the eye, causing pain. Visual impairment may occur.
  4. In extremely severe cases, the conjunctiva and cornea die, the patient cannot open his eyelids, and blindness occurs.

The last 2 degrees cannot arise only when looking at the operation of the welding machine. A person can get them when a spark gets into their eyes, causing a serious burn. In this case, the damage to the eye is not only light, but also thermal in nature.

Therefore, if slight tearing and a sensation of a foreign body appear in the eye after welding, you should immediately consult a doctor. What a person initially thought was a speck may turn out to be a light burn.

In case of electrophthalmia, you must immediately call a doctor or go to the nearest hospital or emergency room to provide the victim with qualified assistance.

But in the time that will pass before the examination by a specialist, it is necessary to take additional measures.

  1. In case of severe pain, the victim can be given any painkiller in tablets.
  2. Damaged organs of vision should be immediately rinsed under running water or the face should be immersed in a container of clean water.
  3. In cases where, in addition to a burn, there is a possibility of foreign bodies (electrode particles) getting into the eyes, it is necessary to try to remove such foreign objects, but only if the victim is able to open his eyes.
  4. Cold compresses should be applied to the closed eyelids of the affected eyes and the outside of the eyelids should be treated with any antiseptic ointment.

Lastly, a bandage made of clean fabric is applied to the victim’s eyes (if possible, the fabric can be treated with antiseptic and anesthetic agents).

How to relieve eye irritation after welding?

Photo: Getty

If the worker wears special safety glasses while welding, everything will be fine and vision will not be affected. But if he doesn't do this, his eyes will receive a very large dose of ultraviolet radiation. This is how a retinal burn occurs. It can be compared to a skin burn from the sun.

You can harm yourself even if you don’t weld, but simply watch the process without glasses. Therefore, in order to protect your health, you need to follow safety precautions.

If “bunnies” appear in your eyes, then it’s time to take action. There is no need to endure pain; first of all, you need to take a painkiller. After this, rinse your eyes with plenty of boiled or bottled water. Do not use tap water. It contains chlorine, which will only increase irritation. Next, you need to moisten clean gauze with water and apply this compress to your eyelids for about ten minutes. Afterwards, the eyelids can be lubricated with tetracycline ointment.

How to relieve eye irritation after welding if these simple first aid methods did not help? You need to visit an ophthalmologist. He will prescribe eye drops that will relieve pain and moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyeballs. You should definitely consult a doctor if metal particles get into your eyes.

There are home recipes that will help relieve discomfort and alleviate the condition. These include:

  • Compresses from drunken tea. You need to put cooled tea bags on your eyelids or apply compresses from the tea leaves on them.
  • Compresses made from raw potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, place on a gauze bandage, and apply to the eyes for half an hour.
  • Chamomile compresses. Brew chamomile in the proportion of three tablespoons per glass of boiling water. Leave for ten minutes, let cool, apply to eyelids for 15 minutes.

If your eyes water from welding, what should you do to avoid harming your health even more? It is strictly forbidden to rub your eyes. This increases inflammation and pain.

Troubles can easily be avoided if you follow safety rules when welding and wear safety glasses or a mask. But if your eyes are still damaged, you cannot delay in providing help.


Most children were constantly told by their mothers in childhood that they should not watch the welding process. As always, moms were right. The very bright light emanating from the arc leads to dark spots in the eyes, tearing, pain and many other unpleasant symptoms. It is even more dangerous to be in the welding area without protective devices on your face.

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Eyes hurt and water after welding

Contact with scale can cause serious eye burns and even lead to partial loss of vision. Knowing simple safety rules will protect your eyes from trouble. If, however, through negligence or accident a person “picks up bunnies”, you need to know what to do if your eyes hurt from welding at home, and when you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Mostly, eyes hurt after welding in the following cases:

  1. No or insufficient protective equipment was used, the devices were poor and unable to prevent excessive radiation doses from entering the eyes. The lack of eye protection during welding work is a direct violation of safety rules.
  2. Ignorance of the risk of viewing sparks from welding. This usually happens to children, especially young ones.
  3. Accidental presence in the area of ​​work using welding machines.
  4. Eye contact with scale from the material being welded. This is the most dangerous condition and can lead to permanent eye health problems and also cause visual impairment.
  5. Eye burns due to staring closely at the welding object without protection or its insufficient quality. The burn may be caused by excess radiation or may be thermal.

Any damage to the eyes can be very dangerous. A burn from light radiation is insidious in that it can appear several hours after the direct impact of welding, so it can be quite difficult to treat. If a person feels severe pain and burning in the eyes, tears constantly flow, the eyes become red and swollen, headaches, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms occur, an immediate visit to an ophthalmologist is necessary.

Delay threatens serious complications with the quality of vision.

If splashes or drops get into your eyes during welding, you may need emergency help.

In a situation where the eyes hurt simply after a person has seen enough of the bright and very effective glow of welding, but has not been in direct contact, it is quite possible to limit oneself to home measures.

There are many ways to treat sore eyes after welding if there is no physical damage or burns. To get rid of discomfort, the eyes need to be washed, softened and soothed. For this, various decoctions and solutions are used. For example, you can wash your eyes with a very weak solution of boric acid or potassium permanganate.

Otherwise, getting a crystal of the drug or a concentrated solution onto already damaged mucous membranes will not only not help cure the inflammation, but may also aggravate it.

If your eyes hurt after welding, you can use the advice of traditional medicine. For example, washing the eyes with chamomile decoction softens and anesthetizes, eliminates pain and irritation. Usual compresses made from brewed tea bags will help soothe sore eyes, relieve puffiness, and reduce lacrimation.

honey for eye drops

Cooling also helps. You can simply wrap an ice cube in a napkin and apply it to your eye for a short time. Cold constricts blood vessels, relieves inflammation, reduces pain and slightly reduces swelling. Keeping ice on your eyes for a long time is dangerous. For children and those who do not tolerate cold well, a cooling method may include applying a sterile cloth soaked in ice water or a cold, damp compress.

If a person has seen enough of welding and feels very dry eyes, drops with the effect of “artificial tears” will come to his aid. They soften mucous membranes, have a pronounced cooling effect due to the use of menthol, and quickly eliminate discomfort if minimal damage is caused to the eyes.

The best products of this type are produced by the Japanese corporation Rohto. In our pharmacies you can buy Visin or vitamin drops, which will also quickly put inflamed and dry eyes in order.

If any manipulation increases pain and discomfort, the damage to the eye may be much more serious than it initially seemed. The victim should go to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to eliminate dangerous consequences.

You can use more serious drops, for example, Albucid, or even more so with antibiotics, only with the permission of a doctor and only when necessary. Drops like “Albucid” relieve inflammatory processes well, but can themselves provoke dryness of the mucous membranes, which is extremely undesirable in the presence of burns. In addition, instilling eye drops with such products out of habit can be quite painful.

First aid

If there is no professional doctor in the workshop where the craftsmen work, all employees need to know what to do if they catch a welding bunny. Effective first aid will minimize the risk of complications, eliminate discomfort and restore the functionality of the visual organs.

First aid, what to do if you pick up bunnies while welding:

  1. Stop work . First of all, it is necessary to stop welding work and leave the room.
  2. Examine your eyes . If, in addition to a burn from ultraviolet radiation, an electrode gets into the eye area, you must carefully remove it with the corner of a napkin or handkerchief.
  3. Rinse face and eyes . To do this, use cool drinking water. Remedies that are good for welding bunions include a solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile or weak black tea.
  4. Apply eye drops . To relieve pain, you can also use special drops, for example, Visoptin or Visin. Their use helps relieve swelling and accelerates the process of tissue repair. However, if the condition worsens or does not change while using the drops, you should urgently contact a specialist.
  5. Antiseptic ointment . If the ointment is in the first aid kit, applying it immediately after a burn will speed up recovery and relieve pain.
  6. Ice . An ice cube, which should be wrapped in a clean scarf and applied to the injured eye, can also effectively relieve pain and redness.
  7. Traditional methods . First aid can be provided using compresses based on brewing black tea, raw crushed potatoes, or oak bark. For mild eye damage, folk recipes are not only effective, but also completely safe.

If the pain is quite severe, it is recommended to additionally use an anesthetic drug. These methods of what to do if you pick up bunnies while welding help only with minor damage. In case of a severe burn, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences such as partial or complete loss of vision.

First aid at home

Symptoms of a burn do not appear immediately, but begin to burn, cut and tear the eyes after 3-4 hours. Then discomfort arises progressively. If you accidentally see welding sparks with an unprotected glance, you should not wait for symptoms to appear. It's better to take precautions right away. You can use anti-inflammatory drops to reduce swelling.

It is not recommended to leave the house during treatment to protect your vision from additional damage from sunlight. Watching TV or using electronic gadgets is also not recommended. At this time, the organs of vision should be completely calm in order to quickly get rid of the signs of a burn.

Understanding why your eyes hurt from welding, it won’t be difficult to protect yourself, or provide help in case of a mistake.

As for preventive methods, you cannot ignore safety rules during work, since the use of protective glasses and a mask is the key to healthy vision. Protective masks, goggles and other accessories must be worn when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. This applies to all people who work on equipment or spend a lot of time under the scorching sun or in a solarium. To protect the child’s vision, the child needs to have an educational conversation about the dangers of sparks from childhood.

We looked at the main ways of what to do if your eyes hurt from working on joining metal. So, knowing why your eyes hurt after welding, you can prevent this phenomenon using preventive methods. It is also important to know what to do if your eyes hurt from sparks generated when working with a welding machine, in order to provide first aid in a timely manner.

  1. Two tablespoons of honey are diluted in a glass of warm boiled water, then gauze or cotton swabs are soaked in the product, which are placed on the eyes for half an hour.
  2. Two medium-sized raw potatoes are grated and the resulting mass is wrapped in gauze. This compress is applied to the eyes for 20-30 minutes, providing an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Used tea bags or cotton pads soaked in tea leaves are applied to the eyes for 15 minutes, after which the compresses are changed. Tea for making compresses should be cooled to room temperature.

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Such folk remedies can be used only as additional symptomatic treatment and only for mild burns.

Lack of qualified medical care and drug therapy can lead to partial loss of vision, even as a result of mild to moderate electrophthalmia.

Typically, a mild degree of electrophthalmia passes almost without leaving a trace and does not lead to the development of serious complications.

Of course, if you experience eye pain after welding work, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. But there are situations when it is not possible to quickly get qualified help, therefore, you need to know how to eliminate eye pain and cure the disease.

At home, you can help the patient in the following ways:

  1. Place the patient in a dark room, close all curtains on the windows, turn off the lights;
  2. To relieve pain, you can drink any painkiller that you have at home;
  3. In order to prevent an allergy from occurring, it is necessary to give the patient any medicine for an allergic reaction;
  4. Drop 2% lidocaine into the eyes; use it for no more than 2 days;
  5. When all the steps have been completed, you need to apply tetracycline ointment to the lower eyelid.

There is no need to wash your eyes with cool water, since this burn is not thermal, and water will not bring any benefit and will not relieve the pain. The liquid contains various trace elements that can increase irritation.

Signs of the disease appear gradually, over 7 hours. If the retina is not injured, the eyeballs may hurt for several days. The pain is usually accompanied by burning, spasms and profuse tear production. This will go away after some time.

If an injury has been sustained, the course of therapy is prescribed by an ophthalmologist, therefore the duration of treatment depends on the degree of eye injury. However, even after a period of therapy, the pain will not go away immediately, but after a certain time. A thermal burn will not go away in a day; for a complete cure it will take at least seven days, or even more.

Remember, diseases of the eyeballs cannot be treated carelessly and irresponsibly. Any eye disease is fraught with serious complications, including blindness. You need to take care of your eyesight!

Carrying out welding work is a responsible task that should only be performed by professionals. There are currently many ways to help protect your eyes from welding. If you do not protect your eyes and watch welding work, then you may encounter a problem where your eyes hurt after welding.

Welding work

Many craftsmen know that there is always a danger of “catching bunnies” and therefore use protective equipment. In this article you will learn what to do if your eyes hurt after welding and how to get rid of this problem yourself. The main threat is that the “bunnies” will not appear immediately, but only after 4-5 hours.

During operation, welding can produce quite bright radiation, which can subsequently harm your health. When a welder concentrates on certain parts, then he receives a high dose of ultraviolet radiation. If a worker catches bunnies from welding, then if treatment is not performed, you may end up with a retinal burn. That is why it is imperative to follow the instructions and all recommendations.

It is important to know! During welding work, looking at the object without protection is strictly prohibited.

What to do if you look at welding and your eyes hurt? If you encounter a similar problem, then remember that they need to be washed as soon as possible with a weak solution of manganese or boiled water. You can then use welding eye drops Lidocaine 2%. Then you can use drops that will relieve inflammation.

If you are planning to treat your eyes after welding using drops, then you should definitely consult with specialists. In most cases, to get rid of this problem, specialists can prescribe:

  • Alcaine.
  • Lidocoin.
  • Tetracaine.

These medications will help quickly heal damaged eyes. If you plan to use antibiotics, then it is best to give preference to: Levofloxacin, Gentamicin or Tobramycin.

An insidious bright spectacle

The work of a welder is a very fascinating sight. The eyes are simply drawn to see how he deftly controls the arc and directs the weld pool. It's like looking at fire, water and road.

Welding radiation

As is known, the arc emits very strong light radiation. When burning, about 70% of ultraviolet radiation, 15% of infrared radiation are released, and the remaining 15% is simply in the form of ordinary daylight. The main trick is that all this impact is not felt immediately, but only after some time.

Effects of radiation on the eyes

The moment when there is no light contrast is especially insidious. For example: daytime sunlight does not contrast very much with the arc and there is a temptation to admire the bright point longer. And vice versa, in darkened lighting (working indoors, twilight), the arc light blinds the eyes and the desire to look at this beauty disappears.

The onset and course of “rabbit disease”

The time after which the realization that you have “caught a rabbit” begins takes from 5-6 to 8-10 hours. It depends on how much the curious person was looking at the welding and from what distance. Occupational safety documents recommend staying no closer than 3 meters from the radiation source. Typically, eye discomfort begins to be felt in the late afternoon.


At the beginning there comes a feeling of heaviness in the eyes, then a burning sensation begins, strong tears, and then not only the eyes fill with heaviness and burn, but there is a feeling that there is a bag of hot sand in each eye! Rivers of tears!

Reaction and actions of the victim

A man is trying to rub his eyes, to clear them of “something.” Those who are more careful take out a handkerchief or drip pain-relieving drops. They try to attribute the malaise to blood pressure, fatigue or something else. Never rub your eyes with your hands! This will cause even more irritation to the retina! Quickly identifying the cause of the disease will suggest the necessary treatment methods to get rid of the “rabbit scourge.”

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Search for cures

When, closer to night, a person finally understands what is causing the pain in the eyes, pharmacies are usually already closed. And not everyone will figure out what to use in such specific cases as “catching hares.” Meanwhile, there are many folk remedies in all homes; almost everyone has basic painkillers. In severe cases of eye damage, an ambulance will always arrive and fill the eyes with albucid and prescribe treatment.

The first available means and their use

  1. It is necessary to give the patient an anesthetic (for example, Analgin or Ketanov) and an anti-inflammatory drug (Tavegil or Diclofenac are suitable);
  2. We wash our eyes with plenty of clean bottled water;
  3. If small particles of metal get into the eye, then remove them with a sterile cotton pad or clean cloth (if small elements cannot be removed independently, you need to consult a doctor, he has the necessary equipment);
  4. A cold compress is applied to the eyelids (duration 5 – 10 minutes);
  5. Apply antiseptic ointment (tetracycline is possible).

Application of drops

One of the most effective ways to get rid of bunnies after welding is to use eye drops. The most effective ophthalmic solutions for instillation, acceptable for electroophthalmia:

  1. Anti-inflammatory . These include Nimesil and Indomethacin. Helps relieve inflammation and pain.
  2. Vasoconstrictors . These drops include Visin and Visoptin. It is recommended to use several times a day until the symptoms of welding bunnies are completely eliminated. Should not be used for more than three days without a doctor's prescription.
  3. Antibiotics in drops . These products make it possible to relieve inflammation, disinfect and accelerate tissue restoration. Used only with a doctor's prescription. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Gentamicin and Tobramycin.
  4. Anesthetics . The most unpleasant symptom after a welding burn is severe pain, redness and irritation. Therefore, it is impossible to do without the use of anesthetics. The most effective are Lidocaine and Tetracaine.

Photo: eye drops for electroophthalmia

Any remedies for bunnies after welding must be used after examination by a doctor. Only a specialist can select the most effective drops, their combination, the required dosage and course of treatment.

What drops can be used for treatment?

For mild burns, drug treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis using eye drops and ointments.

Antibiotics are prescribed - levofloxacin, Oftquix, Tobrex, tobramycin or gentamicin ointment.

Such drugs are used up to five times a day in the first week, then at the discretion of the attending physician.

Such drugs not only help prevent the development of diseases associated with electrophthalmia, but also eliminate pain and have a calming effect.

To relieve symptoms, vasoconstrictor drops can be additionally prescribed, which are used up to three times a day.

These drops are used up to three times a day. Using funds in this category for more than three days is not advisable.

Because if pain and inflammation do not go away during this time, a severe form of burn can be identified.

And it already requires qualified hospital treatment and possibly surgical intervention.

Traditional methods

It is not always possible to immediately visit a doctor, so you need to know what helps with bunnies after welding at home. However, folk remedies can be used only for minor damage to the organs of vision. But if you know what helps with welding bunnies at home, you can minimize the risk of complications and quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

The most effective methods include:

  1. Potato . To prepare the compress, you need to chop the peeled potatoes using a fine grater, wrap them in gauze and squeeze out the excess juice. Apply to the damaged eye for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Tea bags . For any inflammation or damage to the eyes, it is effective to use strong brewed black tea. It is more convenient to make a compress using tea bags, which must first be immersed in hot water.
  3. Honey _ The use of a honey compress is effective only for the first degree of electroophthalmia. It is necessary to dilute honey with warm water, moisten bath pads in the resulting solution and apply to the eyes.
  4. Honey and aloe . Another effective remedy based on honey, but instead of water, freshly squeezed aloe juice is used. The finished product must be instilled into the eyes for several days until the unpleasant symptoms completely go away.

Photo: traditional methods for eye inflammation

If we consider everything that helps from welding for the eyes at home, then the most effective method for relieving inflammation is complete rest for the eyes. Therefore, in case of electroophthalmia, it is necessary to take sick leave and minimize the load on the visual organs for several days.

Symptoms of the lesion

You can understand that the eyes are affected by UV rays after welding by the following symptoms:

  • slight burning sensation;
  • pain;
  • feeling of sand;
  • inflamed vessels in the white body of the eye;
  • threads of conjunctivitis.

Based on these signs, it can be established that a slight burn to the eyes occurred after welding. There are moderate to severe degrees of damage, characterized by sensitivity to light, corneal erosion, swelling of the eyelid, and blurred vision.

The extreme, severe degree is characterized by the inability to open the eyelids, tissue necrosis, and the onset of blindness. Visually, the cornea takes on a faded and colorless appearance. When your eyes hurt after welding, what to do depends on the degree of damage. For burns of any complexity, at home or at work, it is important to provide first aid.

What not to do

With electroophthalmia, it is important not only to know what to do when there are welding bunnies in the eyes, but also what not to do. It is not recommended to do:

  • look at bright light, it is better to use sunglasses even indoors;
  • rinse eyes with water of questionable purity;
  • use medications whose effect is not known for certain;
  • rub your eyes with your hands;
  • take antibiotics or other pharmaceutical drugs without a doctor’s prescription;
  • strain your eyes.

If you do not follow the recommendations on what to do if you pick up welding, you can significantly deteriorate your vision or lose it completely.

Treatment with drugs

If your eyes hurt from welding, then three groups of drugs are often prescribed:

  • The first group of medications is aimed at relieving swelling and removing microbes. An inflamed cornea is a vulnerable place for the development of bacteria, so one of the drugs is prescribed: Ophthalmodec, Visin, Visoptin. The medicine must be instilled three times a day, one drop at a time.
  • The patient often experiences discomfort, a feeling of sand and pain. To relieve this, medications from the second group are used - painkillers. Instillation of Alcaine, Tetracaine, or Ledocaine reduces pain, thereby easing the general condition.
  • The third group of drugs are eye drops after welding, which remove the inflammatory process. The doctor may prescribe one of the antibiotics: Levofloxacin, Oftaquik, Tobramycin.

Consequences and complications

If the burn is severe or if the patient did not receive timely and effective treatment, dangerous complications may develop, which include:

  • corneal erosion;
  • decreased visual acuity or complete loss of vision;
  • disruption of the shape of the lens, which can lead to the development of astigmatism;
  • clouding of the cornea.

Therefore, experts insist that if a welder burns his eyes, he should immediately visit an ophthalmologist. In the first degree, specialist help may not be needed, and the symptoms will go away on their own within a few hours. However, if the damage is more serious, professional diagnosis and treatment cannot be avoided.

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