How to cut glass without a glass cutter: step-by-step instructions, methods and recommendations

Cutting glass with a professional tool is easy and convenient (especially after a number of unsuccessful attempts). But, firstly, not everyone has a glass cutter. And secondly, in the case of a one-time promotion or rare use, is it needed at all? After all, a professional instrument costs a lot, and a cheap Chinese one can disappoint with its “quality and durability.” And the result of the work too. Therefore, I propose to use methods that allow you to do it at almost no cost, and eat the fish without choking on the bone.

Preparing for work

Before you start working, you need to prepare the glass itself: rinse it with water, degrease it with gasoline. If it is mounted in a frame, you will have to adjust the product to the desired size. In this case, an additional 2 mm of material must be cut off on each side. This only applies to wooden frames, since they can contract and expand when exposed to weather conditions.

Before cutting the glass, you need to prepare the space. To work with it you will need a table or some kind of stand. This will make cutting easier and help the product break more evenly. If a master has to cut material for the first time, then he should practice on small pieces to understand the basic principles. Only then can you proceed to cutting large sheets.

Cutting with a glass cutter

Before using the tools at hand, you need to understand how to cut glass with a glass cutter. The cutting element is positioned perpendicular to the surface and strictly along the intended line. Lightly press the instrument and gently begin to move it towards you. If everything is done according to the rules, the sound of cutting glass will be heard and a thin white line will appear on the sheet. A creaking sound when cutting indicates that the tool is tilted incorrectly, is broken, or is pressed too hard.

After cutting with a glass cutter, the glass is placed on the edge of the table (or stool) so that the resulting line extends slightly beyond its edge. You need to hold the sheet with one hand and press on the hanging part with the other (it should fall off). If you can’t do it with your hands, you can gently tap with a hammer along the cut line. If necessary, the process is repeated from the very beginning.

Cutting glass using traditional methods

Sometimes it happens that the glass needs to be replaced urgently, but there is no tool. You can cut glass without a glass cutter, and in several ways.

Sheets of glass no more than 3 mm thick, placed in a container with warm water, can be cut with ordinary scissors. This way you can actually process small pieces. The cutting process becomes easier the deeper the glass is in the water. You need stronger scissors: while working, you get the feeling of cutting thick cardboard.

Gloves will help protect your hands, but you should understand that the injury in the water is almost not felt. Thus, your hands should be slightly higher than the glass, and you also need to monitor the movement of the fragments. Glasses are also a good idea, as glass can jump out of the water and into your eyes.

You can use a soldering iron, a burner, or even a hot nail. The latter will have to be reheated quite often. First, a separation line is drawn on the glass, which can be of any shape.

At the beginning of the cutting line, a small hole is made on the edge of the glass. Chip can be done with a file, needle file, hacksaw blade and, very carefully, with a grinder. Now the tip of a heated soldering iron is placed in the place of the chip.

Cutting ordinary glass with a soldering iron is not so easy

Next, the soldering iron tip moves along the cutting line of separation without pressure. The glass cracks along the mowing line markings. Now it can be broken into two parts using gloves.

A burning twine soaked in gasoline and applied to a splitting mowing line causes the glass to crack. When using this method, ensure compliance with fire safety regulations.

The glass is placed on a flat and non-flammable surface. A thin cord must be made from natural materials; synthetics are not suitable. It is cut according to the size of the glass and moistened with gasoline or kerosene, white spirit, lighter fluid, etc. Next, the cord is laid along the marked cutting line and set on fire. When the burning is almost complete, water is poured over the cutting area.

As a result, a crack forms. If it does not cross the entire glass, the process can be repeated in the required area, or the cut site can be tapped to create a crack.

Still, most often we use a glass cutter to cut glass with our own hands. This is what the following video talks about.

Convenient to work with a diamond glass cutter

A glass cutter that uses a diamond head as the cutting element is very convenient to work with. The handle of the tool should be held in your hand in the same way as a pencil, especially since it is similar in shape. Next, a ruler or a pattern cut according to the cut configuration is applied to the sheet being processed, and a uniform scratch is carefully applied to the glass surface. In this case, the following rules must be observed:

  • The tool must be positioned at an angle to the plane of the sheet in approximately the same way as when drawing with a pencil on paper.
  • Do not apply too much pressure on the handle of the glass cutter. In this case, the cut line will be replete with chips and irregularities.
  • Repeatedly running the cutting part over an already marked scratch is unacceptable. If the sheet cannot be broken, you should step back a little to the side and repeat the procedure.
  • You should work quickly and carefully. A guideline for time can be two seconds when applying a scratch to a meter-long piece of sheet.

Next, the line of a high-quality cut is combined with the edge of the work table so that the part of the sheet that goes to waste is suspended. The cut from the bottom side is tapped with the handle of a glass cutter or a construction hammer. When performing this manipulation, unnecessary fragments are easily separated and fall into the substituted box.

We use scissors

Not very thick material can be cut with ordinary scissors. First you have to make markings. How to cut glass using this method? You need to immerse it in warm water and cut it into pieces of the required size. If nothing works or the material begins to crumble, it means that you have found tempered glass (cutting features are indicated below). To cut a large piece, you will need a bathtub or large bowl of water.

The procedure is performed as follows: follow the markings with the tip of scissors, after which the unnecessary element is broken off. This method is suitable for sheets up to 3 mm thick and allows you to cut out shapes with straight contours. To make the work easier, a template is made from cardboard, which is glued to the workpiece with glue. You should know that the material will be more pliable under a large layer of water.

Cutting with scissors in water

This method is used when a small piece of glass needs to be given a shape other than rectangular. It is not suitable for working with sheets thicker than 4 mm and tracing paper.

Place a container and fill it with water. The liquid will act as a lubricant and create external pressure, preventing cracking. The scissors must be strong; tailor's scissors are good. The glass is held by hand and immersed in water, the deeper the better. Then, using scissors, cut off a small piece from the edge of the sheet, then another, etc., until the desired shape is obtained. When cutting out complex shapes, a pre-prepared template made of thick cardboard is glued to either side of the glass.

Twine, gasoline and lighter

The method described below will tell you how to cut glass evenly if you don’t have a glass cutter at hand. Everyone knows that the material is afraid of sudden temperature changes. This property can be used to cut it. For work you will need: twine with a maximum thickness of 2 mm (cotton only), lighter, gasoline (kerosene).

The glass sheet is placed on the table and a line along which it needs to be cut is marked with a marker. Measure and cut the twine so that it covers the entire length of the cut. After that, it is poured with gasoline and applied to the line on the glass. The twine must be set on fire so that it lights up along its entire length. When the thread goes out, water it with cold water. As a result, the glass will crack at the location of the temperature difference. If the crack does not extend across the entire sheet, then you need to repeat the procedure and lightly tap along the cut line.

Burning twine

For this method you will need the following: the twine itself (strong thread); liquid for its impregnation (gasoline, alcohol, acetone); cold water.

  1. You need to soak the string in a flammable liquid.
  2. Place it at the location of the intended cut.
  3. Set it on fire and wait until it burns out.
  4. Then cool the glass as quickly as possible by immersing the intended edge in cold water.

Attention! When cutting glass, you need to be careful - protect your eyes with safety glasses and your hands with special gloves. To avoid accidental cuts and small fragments.

We work with a soldering iron

How to cut glass if you have a soldering iron at hand? The material is placed on a flat surface and, using a needle file, marks are made along the edges. A ruler is applied to it and touched with a soldering iron with a distance of 2-3 mm from it. Each place must be heated until the glass cracks. The soldering iron is passed over the entire cut - this way it will turn out quite even.

Break the glass with special tongs or place it on the edge of the table. The break will go exactly along the groove when sticking adhesive tape or wet newspaper along the cut. If the product needs to be inserted into the frame, you will have to cover the installation site with putty or strips of rubber. It is applied to the frame and covered with glazing beads, under which a rubber seal is placed.

Charcoal cutting

Below we will talk about how to properly cut glass using a charcoal pencil (you can do it yourself). It allows you to cut various shapes from the material. To make the tool you will need: charcoal (linden, birch) and gum arabic. The coal is ground into powder, gum arabic is added to it and a kind of dough is kneaded. Round sticks are made from the mass, after which they are thoroughly dried.

Before cutting, markings are made on the glass and the edges are filed with a file. The pencil is set on fire on one side and drawn along the line. The result is cracks through which the product breaks easily.

Cutting different types of glass

There should be no problems when cutting regular glass. Various tools will help you cope with this task: from scissors to special glass cutters. But how to cut tempered glass? This is exactly what we will talk about below. At home, you can also cut organic and corrugated glass.

Corrugated products are in great demand because they are inserted into doors and various interior structures. This material is easy to cut (like regular glass), so you can use the tools described above. It should be remembered that the cut must be made on the smooth side.

How to cut tempered glass? In fact, such a product cannot be cut at home. It is best to entrust the work to professionals who have a machine with a diamond wheel. A special emulsion is required to be applied to it, which is responsible for cooling the surface. You can, of course, try to cut the glass with a glass cutter or grinder, but even with a slight deviation from a straight line it will begin to crumble.

Plexiglas is made from synthetic resins and is very similar to plastic. The simplest tools are suitable for cutting it: a cutter, a metal saw, a stationery knife, etc.

How to cut glass without a glass cutter

How to cut glass without a glass cutter? Glass can be cut without a glass cutter

  • Using a soldering iron . To do this, use a file to make a neat cut on the edge of the glass along the cutting line. You need to apply the heated end of the soldering iron to this place and move it along the ruler or template, but slowly and without strong pressure. The high temperature should cause the glass to crack evenly in the desired direction; all that remains is to carefully break off the desired piece using a thick mitten.
  • Thin glass (up to 3 mm) can be cut with ordinary (preferably tailor's) scissors under water (the deeper the cutting procedure is done under water, the easier it will be to cut the glass). But the part, of course, will be of limited size, the glass is not cut smoothly, like ordinary paper, and the edge is separated with some effort (as if working with thick cardboard). Before you start working with glass, you need to check on a small piece how it is it is cut, if it crumbles, it means it is hardened and this method will not work for it.
  • You can construct an electric glass cutter from nichrome wire . You need to lay the wire along the glass cutting line, tighten it and press it tightly to the glass. Then the wire must be momentarily connected to an electrical network with a voltage of no more than 36 V. The glass should be cut under the wire. Glass must be dry for safety reasons.
  • the author of the question chose this answer as the best

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    You can cut glass without a glass cutter.

    Some glass cutters advise cutting glass using a woolen thread, which is placed or wrapped around the area where the glass is supposed to be cut, then it is moistened with kerosene, and then set on fire. After the thread burns, the glass is dipped into cold water, where it breaks into the desired halves.

    You can try cutting glass with a grinder using a fine-grained wheel, but this must be done very carefully, adhering to all safety precautions.

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    Correctly cut glass without a glass cutter:

    To cut glass without a glass cutter, you can take a nail or any sharp object. This option will just take you a lot longer.

    There are also ladies' files with diamond coating, but they are only suitable for one use.

    After you run one of these objects across the glass, you need to lightly tap the cut area from below.

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    They say you can cut glass with scissors underwater.

    You can also stick some kind of rope, wet it with kerosene, set it on fire and put it in cold water - the excess will fall off.

    True, I haven’t tried any of the methods myself.

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    cool ways, especially with scissors! - 4 years ago

    My husband cut glass with a grinder and it worked, but you have to be very careful and on a flat surface.

    add to favorites link thank

    Yes, I cut it with a soldering iron... well, I just need to be careful...

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    If the glass is thin, then it can be easily cut with ordinary scissors, after first releasing it into water. The deuce cuts like butter, I’ve personally tried it. But the C grade is already difficult to give in, but it is still cut carefully. If the glass is overheated, then, unfortunately, it will not be possible to cut it with anything, even a glass cutter.

    add to favorites link thank

    How to cut glass at home

    Glass products have always been very popular. The most beautiful dishes, stained glass windows, frescoes and much more are made from it (see photo). To do all of the above, the material must be cut into pieces of different sizes. How can this be done at home? Everything is very simple. Glass can be cut in several ways - with a glass cutter or without a glass cutter using ordinary scissors.

    Types of glass

    Before considering how to cut glass, it is necessary to determine what types there are, because further actions will depend on this. For example, cutting ordinary material should present virtually no difficulties. This can be done either with a glass cutter or with scissors. But cutting tempered glass at home is not recommended, because it will lose all its properties. It is best to cut it before hardening, and then entrust this process to professionals.

    Corrugated glass is most often used for glazing doors or to create interesting interior elements. Just like regular material, it can be cut at home, the only difference being that the cut must be made from the smooth side. It’s good if you have a roller glass cutter at hand to process such glass. Organic material can be cut without a glass cutter, using a cutter, regular saw or other cutting tools. A stationery knife will do an excellent job with a piece of glass whose thickness is no more than 2 millimeters.

    Preparatory work

    First of all, before cutting, you need to take care of your own safety by protecting your face and hands from splinters. After this, you need to prepare the material with your own hands. New glass can be easily wiped using, for example, crumpled newspaper. With old material you need to work a little longer. First, you need to thoroughly wash it with clean water and treat it with glass cleaner, then degrease it, for example, with alcohol or gasoline and dry it thoroughly (see video).

    A glass cutter will help us

    The method of cutting material using a glass cutter is quite simple. The main thing is to choose the right tool. For example, you can choose a diamond jig, like the one in the photo, which has been the most popular for a long time, or a glass cutter with a slightly beveled cutting edge. The latter can cut material up to 10 kilometers, after which it must be sharpened on a special whetstone. A roller tool can consist of 1-6 rollers, which are made of cobalt-tungsten alloy. An oil glass cutter works in almost the same way as a roller glass cutter, the only difference being that a reservoir of oil is built into its holder, which allows you to cut even rough material.

    So, after choosing a tool, the glass is placed on a flat horizontal surface. Appropriate markings are made on it, to create which you can use a regular ruler. After this, applying equal efforts along the entire required length, an even line is made (see video). This must be done the first time, since repeated manipulations will lead to cracking of the material.

    Without a glass cutter - and this happens...

    You can cut the material with your own hands using ordinary scissors. To do this, you need to prepare the scissors themselves, as well as a vessel with hot water. Markings on the surface are done in advance. Next, use the sharp side of the scissors to follow the markings, creating a small crack, after which the glass is simply broken by hand. Of course, this cutting method will not be as ideal as the previous one, but it can help out in an unforeseen situation.

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  • How to choose a glass cutter and cut glass at home without chips and cracks

    How to cut glass and which glass cutter to choose - this is what novice homeowners are interested in when planning apartment renovations. Choose a modification depending on the type of glass and its thickness. Focus on the price indicator, the durability of the device and the resource - the number of meters that it can cut through. When working with fragile glass, use tricks that allow you to quickly make a cut with smooth edges, without chips, scratches or cracks.


    Cutting glass with your own hands is an activity that requires patience and endurance. To evenly cut fragile glass at home with any of the tools, follow the rules:

  • Before starting work, check that the corners of the factory sheet are correct - they should be 90 degrees each.
  • Place the glass sheet on a flat, blemish-free surface. Clean the surface with a cloth and kerosene.
  • Take a ruler with a thickness of 8 mm with a rubberized stand at the bottom and make a cut along it.
  • Draw one line - no more, and carefully break it into two parts
  • If the glass does not break, try tapping it with a construction hammer. Tap close to the cut with little or no pressure and check the material again for fracture.
  • Cut glass at home

    Follow safety precautions:

  • Put on gloves and mark. Be careful not to get the wrong size.
  • Press the cutting tool lightly, without straining.
  • The cut should be smooth and not too deep. Do it in one movement.
  • Press harder on a roller glass cutter than on a diamond cutter.
  • Broken glass can be finally broken off on the edge of the table by first tapping it with a hammer.
  • Break off the narrow strips along the edges with the side of a glass cutter.
  • Use a ruler for a straight line

    Trick: to avoid marking the transparent glass, place it directly on the drawing and secure it with masking tape

    Glass cutters are classified according to the type of cutting part, handle and purpose. There are diamond, carbide roller and oil cut models that can cut straight or round shapes.

    The blade of the glass cutter is made of diamond, fixedly fixed in the handle with silver solder. Diamond can be:

  • natural – cuts to a depth of 5 to 10 mm;
  • synthetic – with a cutting depth of up to 5 mm.

Cutting without marking glass

A model with a synthetic blade costs less than a natural one, but handles cutting just as well. It is designed to cut 10 thousand linear meters of glass.

Manufacturers make the cutting head of a diamond glass cutter in one of two forms:

  • pyramidal tetrahedral;
  • curvilinear.

Tools with pyramidal heads are used by professional carvers, and curved heads are used by beginning craftsmen at home. When the cutting part of the diamond becomes dull, the holder locking screw is unscrewed and the tip is slightly turned with the other edge, approximately 90⁰, and secured again. After all the ribs are worn out, the cutter is replaced with a new one or sharpened on a diamond-coated cast iron block.

On the base of the diamond glass cutter, in addition to the holders for the cutter, 1-3 slots are provided for breaking off glass. The handle is made of wood or plastic, sometimes with rubber inserts.

Model with diamond cutter

How to cut glass correctly with a diamond glass cutter:

  • Prepare a table with a work surface that is 15% larger than the size of the glass piece.
  • Lay out a ruler with a suction cup and additional tools.
  • Wipe the glass with degreaser and make markings with a simple pencil.
  • Holding the glass cutter by the metal base, use the diamond blade to draw a thin line along the ruler. Apply significant pressure.
  • When finished, tap the glass on both sides of the cut with a hammer.
  • Break the product so that you get two parts. The cut should be smooth, without chips.
  • Cutting glass with your own hands requires patience and precision from the master. When choosing which glass cutter is better - a roller cutter or a diamond cutter, make a list of requirements for the tool. If price is a determining factor for you, choose a model with a roller. Diamond glass cutters are more expensive, but more durable.

    The roller tool is easy to use and popular with beginning carvers working at home. Its blade tool, which is in direct contact with the material being cut, is a roller made of a tungsten-cobalt hard alloy. When working with glass, it scrolls, forming a cutting line.

    The following types of roller glass cutters are available for sale:

    • regular with a wooden handle – copes with material up to 5 mm thick;
    • with a plastic handle, made in China - has similar properties;
    • professional glass cutter – cuts material up to 10 mm thick;
    • tool from Kraftool - semi-professional.

    Glass cutter with 6 rollers

    Ordinary glass cutters are sold in hardware stores and cost about 100 rubles. It's up to you to choose a wooden or plastic handle. The kit includes five spare rollers for replacement.

    Standard roller characteristics:

    How to replace the roller in a glass cutter:

  • Unscrew the bolt in the central part of the tool.
  • Rotate the roller disc so that the new blade enters the work area.
  • Tighten the bolt.
  • The movable head allows you to cut curved shapes

    Instead of replacing the roller, you can sharpen it using a fine-grained abrasive wheel.

    Kraftool devices are durable. A model with one roller costs 250 rubles, and its resource is 8000 m. A glass cutter with six rollers costs less, but each of them wears out completely in 1000 m. The maximum cutting depth for both tools is 5 mm.

    The procedure for cutting glass with your own hands using a roller:

  • Make markings on the glass.
  • Take a ruler with a thickness of 8 mm and attach it to the glass.
  • Slowly but surely draw the cutting line.
  • Make sure that the device does not leave the marked line when operating.
  • Video: How to cut glass with a roller glass cutter

    The oil glass cutter is an innovation among glass cutting tools. According to the principle of operation, it resembles a roller one, but differs in the presence of an oil reservoir on the handle. A wick stretches from the reservoir to the cutting edge, through which oil is automatically supplied to the surface of the glass. The lubricant performs the following functions:

    • reduction of friction level;
    • increasing blade life.

    An oil glass cutter is used to work with glass up to 20 mm thick. It is more convenient to use and moves easily across the surface. Tool life is 5000 linear meters without sharpening.

    After the resource is exhausted, the working head is replaced completely, along with the roller. Subject to replacement:

    Typically, rollers with sharpening angles are installed:

    • 150⁰ – for working with glass 1-2 cm thick;
    • 135⁰ – for cutting material up to 1 cm thick.

    Inside the handle there is an oil reservoir

    The head can be movable or firmly fixed to the base. Some models of tools with a movable head provide the ability to fix the cutting part.

    Thanks to their ergonomic shape, extensive functionality and reasonable cost, oil glass cutters are more popular than diamond ones. Using such a tool, add liquid lubricant to the reservoir in a timely manner.

    Key requirements that glass cutter oil must meet:

    • consistency of medium thickness - such that the lubricant easily penetrates through the narrow neck, but does not ooze;
    • good adhesion - oil should not spread over the surface of the material.

    High-quality oil easily penetrates the tool blade along the wick and leaves a small viscous trace when pressed. The sequence of cutting glass is the same as when working with a roller tool.

    The devices described above are suitable when it is necessary to cut glass in a straight line. But which glass cutter is better to buy when curved cutting is required? If you need to cut a round shape, look for a compass-style tool. Essentially, this is an oil analogue attached to a suction cup.

    How to cut glass with a glass cutter in the form of a compass in a circle:

  • Place the glass on your work table.
  • Attach the suction cup to the center of the future circle.
  • Find the scale on the “leg” of the glass cutter.
  • Set the radius of the future circle by moving the head with the blade to the appropriate value.
  • Using light pressure, draw a circle with your “foot” and gently tap it with a hammer.
  • Cutting a circle with a compass tool

    To cut an oval, use a system of two rods, attaching them to a suction cup perpendicular to each other, and installing a rod with a cutting tool on top.

    If you don't have a glass cutter and purchasing a tool isn't an option, use regular tailor's scissors instead.

    How to properly cut glass with scissors:

  • Draw marking lines on the glass.
  • Heat the water in an enamel container until it is warm, but not hot.
  • Dip the glass sheet and scissors into it.
  • Make a cut underwater.
  • You will be surprised, but due to the capillary effect, glass is easy to press. A microcrack forms on the surface, and then a fracture, and the material falls into pieces. The quality of the cut when working with scissors is worse, but the method is suitable for unimportant openings.

    Video: Cutting glass with scissors

    Professional glass cutters are different from home hand tools. In large enterprises, these are automatic installations powered by electricity. There are three types of industrial glass cutters:

    Laser glass cutting machine

    Laser devices convert electrical energy into high-temperature radiation that is focused at one point. They allow you to perfectly accurately cut the most complex openwork shapes from glass or mirror without damaging the material.

    Advantages of laser equipment: high speed, waste-free production, perfect cuts. Disadvantages: the need to work in perfect cleanliness, the requirement of professional knowledge to work with the installation.

    Sandblasting units create a cut using a stream of air mixed with sand and released under high pressure. The advantage of the method is the possibility of not only cutting, but also decorating glass products. The disadvantage is that it cannot be used at home.

    Waterjet machines operate similarly to sandblasting machines, but instead of sand and air, water is sprayed. Experts set the cutting trajectory on a computer, and then only control the process.

    When choosing a glass cutter, consider the structure and properties of the material you plan to cut.

    Methods for cutting various types of glass:

    • regular with a thickness of 5 mm - cut with a diamond or oil glass cutter;
    • regular up to 5 mm thick - use diamond, roller or oil;
    • hardened – cannot be cut at home;
    • matte – cut along the smooth side with any tool;
    • acrylic is not glass; cut it with scissors or a stationery knife.

    Having decided on the type of tool, select its category:

    • home glass cutter;
    • semi-professional;
    • professional.

    Glass transfer suction cup

    Adequately assess the thickness of the material - do not skimp on your purchase if you plan to work with glass with a thickness of 7 mm or more.

    Compare the resource and cost of each tool:

    • diamond – 10 thousand m;
    • roller – 6-8 thousand m;
    • oil – 5 thousand m.

    Pay attention to the sharpening angles of the blades - this characteristic allows you to determine what thickness the tool can work with.

    One glass cutter is not enough to cut glass efficiently and quickly. Other tools you will need:

    • Desktop. Its surface should be smooth, without depressions or bulges. The table is located horizontally. Professional tables have metal guides that allow you to move the glass without the risk of breaking.
    • Glass square or ruler with a rubber suction cup. If you use professional glass cutters with a ruler, according to which you can set the distance from the suction cup to the cut line, you are unlikely to need a square. The ruler must be suitable for working with fragile materials and must be fixed with suction cups.
    • A simple pencil or marker. For marking.
    • A hammer weighing 60-80 g. For tapping glass that cannot be broken off by hand.
    • Kerosene and fabric. For degreasing glass. Oil glass cutters are also fueled with kerosene.
    • Roulette. For measurements.

    Ruler with rubber anti-slip backing

    There are a number of tricks you can use when working with a glass cutter. Below are some:

  • Wear gloves when handling glass.
  • Hold the tool as you would a regular pen.
  • Draw the cut line only once. When working with a contour, leave a gap of up to 3 mm.
  • To quickly break the glass along the cut line, place it not directly on the table, but place matches underneath along the right and left edges. After cutting the fabric, press lightly in the center.
  • Video: How to cut glass correctly

    By following the recommendations, you can easily select the appropriate tool and cope with the labor-intensive task of cutting glass sheets.

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    Making holes

    Cutting a piece of glass sheet can be done easily and simply using ordinary tools. How to make a hole in it and what will be needed for this? It is necessary to stock up on wet fine sand, lead (tin) and a container for melting it, acetone, and a template. The template is a stick with a cone-shaped end, the diameter of which should match the size of the future hole.

    To do the job you need:

    • lay the glass on a flat surface;
    • degrease the cut area and sprinkle it with sand so that you get a slide 50 mm high;
    • take a template and make a hole in the top of the slide;
    • melt lead in an aluminum or enamel bowl (can be heated on gas or with a blowtorch);
    • pour hot lead in a thin stream into the sand funnel;
    • wait 5-7 minutes and remove the sand around the hole;
    • Use your finger to carefully check the cooling of the casting and remove it.

    There will be a less-than-ideal hole under the casting. However, a handle, decorative elements, fasteners and other closing parts can be easily inserted into the resulting structure. Before cutting glass in this way, you need to practice on scraps of material so as not to ruin the whole canvas.

    From what is described above it is clear that glass can be cut without special glass cutters. However, during the work you need to be careful and follow some rules so as not to damage the material and accidentally injure yourself.

    How to make a hole for a handle

    There are several options - either drill using a drill with a pobedite nozzle, organizing a bath of plasticine with camphor and turpentine on the surface, or using the thermal method. To do this, apply fine wet river sand to the glass, and using a sharpened rod, make a funnel in it, into which molten solder or lead is dripped. After a couple of minutes, the sand and solder are removed.

    Maybe someone will consider the list of methods incomplete - we have a lot of Kulibin methods, and there are many more options for solving the problem. But the advantage of the methods described, and in bold, is that they work.

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