Manual carrot planter, how to make a carrot seeder with your own hands

Types and benefits of using a carrot seeder

Seeders made for manual sowing are divided into several types:

  1. Fertilizers - recommended to simplify the process of fertilizing or distributing lime throughout the territory;
  2. Garden - designed for sowing seeds for agricultural needs in areas near the house or vegetable gardens;
  3. Grain-cereals - provide for planting over vast areas - in grain fields.

A simple seeder can be made from scrap materials without spending much money. But all simple devices are made only for the hole, that is, adjusting the required volume of the hole is often problematic or almost impossible.

The advantages of such a device are:

  • Uniform sowing of planting material;
  • Placement at the same depth ;
  • Equal distance between plantings;
  • Easy to use;
  • Ease of creation.

With the help of such a unit you can quickly and in a short time plant a large area. After working with a carrot seeder, you will not have to pull out excess seedlings, injuring those that remain for further growth.

Manual seed planter

This type of planting technology is used over vast areas. It is able to create even grooves and place an even amount of seeds in them. It can be used not only for sowing carrots, but also beets, onions, parsley, lettuce or other small seeds.

Manual carrot seeder

The groove is made through the movement of a wheel on which special blades or spikes are located. With these growths, the wheel creates holes of a certain size with the same depth.

The design of the seeder is such that a spout comes from the hopper, through which a certain volume of seeds is sown. The supply of seedlings is strictly regulated by a special valve.

At the back there is an additional wheel with a smooth surface, which, when moving, fills and compacts holes with planting material.


A piston carrot seeder looks like a cylindrical plastic container. Planting material is placed in it. At the bottom there is an adjustable conical hole for sowing seedlings into the soil. On top of this device there is a piston equipped with a spring.

Piston Carrot Planter

This unit works on the principle of squeezing a certain amount into a pre-prepared hole in the ground. To prevent seedlings from scattering in different directions, a piston seeder is placed 5 cm above ground level.

Some farmers consider the piston planter to be a problematic device, and replace it with an ordinary medical syringe. But working with a syringe causes a lot of inconvenience:

  1. When squeezing out seeds, they often scatter in different directions ;
  2. The pressure on the syringe cannot be controlled, so the seeds fall out in different volumes.

The piston planting system is designed for large areas, but with a syringe you can’t sow much. Therefore, it is better to use a piston with spring pressure.


One of the simplest mechanisms is a large dispenser with a miniature “spout”. The cone, which goes into the ground, has a hole, the volume of which can be adjusted by the diaphragm located inside.

The funnel is placed above the soil surface at a height of up to 15 cm and the preparation is gently shaken . The seeds, rolling out along the groove, are evenly placed in the furrow.

Using such a funnel-bowl, it is possible to achieve correct, even furrows, without being thickened with an excessive amount of seeds.

The disadvantage is the need to adapt or adapt to such work . If you shake frequently or vigorously, you can plant the seeds not in the furrow at all, but around the entire area.

Carrot planter made from a block

This planting method is similar to the egg tray method. To make a planter from a block, you will need several plastic lids and a wooden block. Its dimensions can be arbitrary, but it is better to stick to the proven volume of a wooden board - 5x5x50 cm .

The lids are nailed on one side. The soil needs to be loosened well so that it is airy and soft. The top layer of soil is leveled evenly. The side with the lids is lowered into the soil and pressed . After the block is raised above the surface, even holes remain in the soil substrate for planting carrot seeds. All that remains is to insert the prepared seedlings and sprinkle.

Mini rake for planting seeds

Raking for planting is easy to do if you have previously had experience with a hacksaw or jigsaw. For the prepared bed, you should select a long board so that it completely covers the area.

Also, to produce a rake you will need a block of wood up to 20 cm long - this will be the handle.

Homemade rake for planting carrot seeds

The bottom side (end) must be cut. Peculiar teeth in the shape of a trapezoid are cut out on it, so that the lower base is no more than 1 cm, and the depth reaches 2 cm. A handle is placed in the center on the flat side. This can be done using a nail. The work on the mini rake is finished.

To perform sowing, you need to lower an improvised rake onto the dug up, airy area and move it around the perimeter. In an instant, smooth grooves are formed on the site into which planting material must be placed.

Grain seeders for walk-behind tractor

Aggregated onto a cultivator for planting wheat, barley, millet, oats, rye, and perennial grasses.
They need a towing potential of at least 6-8 hp. Available in trailed and semi-trailer versions. Popular modifications of grain seeders

Five-row model, aggregated with heavy walk-behind tractors (weighing more than 2 c). Moves across the field via a wheel drive. It sows an equal number of seeds per unit of time, which is achieved by rotating special cylindrical reels with lattice walls. The hopper capacity reaches 25 kg with a seeding width of up to 95 cm.

SZ-2 BJ-6

Seeder with reel sowing unit and tine coulter. It is capable of planting seeds at a depth of 5-10 cm while maintaining a row spacing of 15-30 cm. In an hour of work, it covers up to half a hectare of land. By rearranging the hopper along the boom, you can set the desired row spacing. The seeding depth of cereals is adjusted by the coulter and the adjusting screw. It is equipped with 2 drums with different mesh diameters.

Additional types of seeders

There are many methods for planting seeds. Carrot seedlings present the greatest difficulty for gardeners. They are quite small and difficult to plant evenly. After germination, a very large number of young shoots have to be removed. Therefore, it is recommended to use different methods for planting:

  1. Sowing with toilet paper - numerous seeds are glued to a piece of toilet paper in a random or strictly defined order. Later this area is covered with a small layer of earth. When the sprouts sprout, they do not need to be discharged. The only thing is that weeds sprout abundantly among them. The disadvantage of this method is the long-term gluing of small seedlings onto a piece of paper;
  2. A seeder from an egg container is an original and simple way. The advantages of this method are its simplicity and evenly planted seeds at the required distance. To do this, you need to press the tray into the ground and pour 1 or 2 seeds of planting material into the resulting holes;
  3. Using tape - in specialized stores you can find a special tape for planting carrots. The seedlings are already glued to it in the required order and at the optimal distance. Planting is easy - tape is applied to the furrow made and sprinkled with earth.

Thus, it is easy to plant carrots without a seeder at home, but before doing this you need to either spend money or be patient by placing small seeds on toilet paper. But to get a rich, and most importantly, even harvest, you can make any sacrifices.

How to plant carrots correctly

How to make caring for crops easier

Growing carrots is considered the most difficult aspect of gardening. There are several reasons for this:

  • small seeds that do not allow even distribution of crops;
  • weak, tender sprouts that are easily overwhelmed by weeds;
  • the need for careful thinning of seedlings.

Personal experience of gardeners and advice from experts help make the work much easier and grow carrots with strong tops and good root crops. From an aesthetic point of view, even beds and friendly greenery will also please the owners.

How to speed up the germination of carrot seeds

Carrots take a long time to sprout - about 3 weeks. Some secrets will help speed up seed germination. Pre-rinsing with hot water gives good results. Water washes away all preservatives, which makes pecking easier. Soaking seeds to swell also speeds up the germination process.

After wet processing, the seeds must be dried to a free-flowing state, otherwise they may stick to the walls of the planter. Some gardeners prefer to sow sprouted seeds, but then this process can only be done manually.

Carrot planting methods

There are several well-known planting methods that supposedly minimize the backbreaking labor of caring for carrots:

  • sticking seeds on toilet paper;
  • sowing with granulated seeds;
  • mixing seeds with sand, coffee grounds, etc.

Each of these methods has its drawbacks, since it does not eliminate the thickening of plantings and the need for frequent weeding. The best method of preliminary preparation of planting material is by gluing it on toilet paper - seedlings are distributed evenly, weeds sprout only in the inter-row spaces.

The disadvantage of this method is the complex and lengthy preparatory process - you must first cut the roll into strips of the required width, and then methodically glue the grains using tweezers and paste. Then wait until dry and roll the tapes. The paste also needs to be prepared independently, which takes time.

This method is suitable for those who while away long winter evenings alone. In addition, the seeds may come off during storage, which will subsequently lead to voids in the garden bed. A variety of planting devices come to the aid of the modern summer resident.

Galina Yurchenko, expert

How to make a manual carrot seeder with your own hands?

In cases where there is no extra financial resources to purchase a seeder, you can make it yourself. Before work, you should draw up a drawing and an individual design of the future unit. It is best to do everything using simple models.

For production, an axle, aluminum tubes, and wheels, as well as iron, sheet format are required. From these parts you can make an excellent homemade seeder without resorting to heavy and costly technologies.

Scheme of a homemade seeder for planting carrots

Collection scheme:

  1. Aluminum tubes turn into handles. It requires measuring the angle of inclination and adjusting the height of the seeder to suit your height; it is best to design the handles “from yourself”;
  2. Seed bins are formed from iron in the form of cones or funnels. They are located on the axis so that there is a small space of 1 cm between them;
  3. Each funnel should go down like a sharp cone , inside of which there is a hole 0.1 cm wide;
  4. The central axle is connected to the wheels , the bins are placed on top of the axle, to which handles are attached;
  5. Additionally, if desired, you can install a limiter to mark the rows .

Thus, when using seeders, you can not only plant seeds in your garden or dacha with pleasure, but also spend less time. In addition, when working with such planting technologies, you do not have to remove excess shoots as the crop grows .
If you follow the recommendations, you can make high-quality equipment with your own hands and plant large areas of not only carrots, but also other crops.

Carrot growing technology

Crop rotation

Carrots require a highly fertile field free of weeds, so they try to place them in crop rotation after well-fertilized weed-clogging crops. It is recommended to place it after potatoes or legumes.

Soil preparation

The soil for sowing carrots must be carefully cultivated to the entire depth of root growth, and the surface must be well leveled.

Work with the soil begins in the fall - they plow [Plows] to a depth of 25-30 cm, thereby achieving disinfection of the arable layer by freezing and increasing moisture retention on the field. It is the depth of cultivation that greatly influences the growth of carrots; if at the depth of root crop growth the soil is not loose enough, it begins to bend, sprout shoots and lose its presentation.

In the spring, when the soil is physically ripe, it is harrowed [Hitches of tooth harrows], after 1-2 weeks - shallow cultivation is carried out (2-3 cm) [Universal cultivators]. Cultivation depth is selected to create a “hard” seed bed. With deeper processing, soil capillaries will be destroyed and an insufficient amount of water may reach the seeds for germination.

If carrots are planted on heavy soil that has swollen by spring, then such a field is plowed to 2/3 of the depth with a train of harrows. And then they perform deep milling [Cutters] and rolling [Rollers].

What is a carrot planter

A seed seeder is a special mechanical device, which, due to its design features, makes it possible to quickly and efficiently sow seed along a given trajectory.

The operating principle of such a device is quite simple:

  • blades or special spikes are installed on the front part of the unit, with the help of which furrows of the required size will be formed;
  • Along the width of the seeder, at a certain distance from each other, containers for seed material are installed;
  • a hole is made at the bottom of such containers through which the required amount of seeds falls out, that is, into the soil;
  • a smooth wheel attached to the unit fills the furrows and levels the soil.

  • The vegetable seeder has a number of undeniable advantages, which include:
  • acceleration of the process of sowing seed material;
  • rational consumption of seeds;
  • precision seeding, which makes it possible to simplify the care of seedlings in the future;
  • simplicity and ease of use;
  • no need to thin out seedlings.

Using the described device, it is possible to process a large area in a short period of time.

Sowing with small seeds

Anyone who has ever sowed seeds of celery, sorrel, strawberries, primrose or petunia knows how labor-intensive the process is. It is difficult to distribute them evenly over the surface; as a result, seedlings in one place can be thickened, and in another, on the contrary, sparse.

In the first case, they will have to be thinned out, and there is always a danger of damaging the root system of neighboring plants that remain in the garden bed or container. Moreover, it is a pity for the seeds lost in this way, especially if they were not cheap. Sparse crops will have to be reseeded, and this means a new consumption of seed material.

When sowing, the depth of seed placement is also important. If they are too deep, they may not sprout, and those left on the surface of the soil and sprouting may dry out due to the rapid evaporation of moisture.

Small and very small are considered seeds, the number of which in one gram is from 600 to 1000 or more. Small ones can be sown to a depth of 0.5 cm, and very small ones should be sown in containers for seedlings without embedding in the soil.

If you can still try to place them one by one in containers, then the garden bed will not have enough health and strength for this. But experienced gardeners and flower growers know several techniques that make it easier to sow any miniature seed.

Main types and advantages of using a carrot seeder

Today, farmers have access to a wide selection of different planters, differing in size, operating principle, materials, etc. A description of the most common ones is given later in the article.

Manual planter

One of the simplest mechanical devices for large-scale sowing of seeds is considered to be a manual planter, which makes it possible to make uniform furrows and evenly “lay” a certain number of seeds into them. A similar unit can be used for sowing carrots, onions, beets, parsley, lettuce, spinach and other small seeds.

The manual planter operates according to the following principle:

  • special blades and spikes are mounted on the wheel, which, when it moves, create holes of a certain, uniform depth;
  • A bunker is installed in the middle of the device, into which seed material is poured;
  • from the bunker there is a so-called “spout”, through which seeds are supplied evenly, with strict adjustment by a special valve;
  • the rear wheel, in the direction of travel, fills the furrows with soil and compacts the soil.

Some models of hand planters can be equipped with several rows of blades for sowing seeds simultaneously in several furrows. They can also be supplemented with a function for adjusting the planting depth.

Video: Manual planter for carrots and vegetables

Piston seed planter

The piston type of seeders is a design consisting of a small plastic cylindrical container (glass) intended for laying seed material, and a small piston inside it, equipped with a spring. In this case, the supply of seeds is carried out by pressing the rod and squeezing out a certain amount of them “under pressure”.

  • The advantages of a piston installation are:
  • the ability to cultivate a large part of the territory;
  • high efficiency when supplying seeds;
  • ease of operation.
  • However, many farmers note a number of disadvantages of the unit:
  • uneven “squeezing out” of seed material;
  • inability to form an even hole;
  • the need for further thinning of seedlings.

Funnel planter

As a rule, a funnel-shaped planter is rarely used for sowing carrot seeds, since it is considered the best option for larger grains. It consists of a cone-funnel with a narrow spout through which seed material flows.

The funnel is placed above the ground, approximately 15 cm, and filled with seeds. Due to gentle shaking, the grains are uniformly rolled out along a special groove into the furrow. One of the disadvantages of the seeder is the difficulty in adjusting the amount of spilled seeds, as well as the need to thin out the sprouts.

How to sow carrots correctly

Carrots are everyone’s favorite vegetable, and also very healthy, but not everyone can grow it. Mainly, untimely thinning spoils the entire harvest.

That is why among gardeners you can often hear questions about how to plant carrots so as not to thin out? And such methods really exist.

They are not for everyone; it happens that carrots do not sprout well, but over time, you can choose the most optimal option.

How to sow carrots with a pinch?

Sowing carrots with a pinch

This method has been used for many generations. First of all, holes are made at a distance of 10-20 cm from each other. Then take a pinch of seeds in your hand and sow several in one hole. When the plant begins to sprout and develop, large carrots are pulled out and eaten, and small ones are left for further ripening.

When planted in this way, carrots grow in bushes, their tops are very spreading, so they need a lot of space, which determines the large distance between the holes. It is also recommended to tie the tops so that it is comfortable to walk between the rows.

The disadvantage of this method is that the plants in the hole can still interfere with each other, although not as much as when sowing in a row. And yet, it is possible to get crumpled carrots instead of beautiful, even ones. In fact, the carrots are still thinned out, but only the finished root crops are pulled out.

How to plant seeds on paper tape?

Planting seeds on paper tape

Planting carrots on paper strips is a common, effective method if the soil is suitable for the crop. On a long ribbon, sometimes using toilet paper, carrot seeds are glued separately from each other at a distance of 5-10 cm. The glue is made natural (a mixture of water and starch). Then this tape is placed on the ground fertilized in advance and sprinkled with earth.

You can prepare the tape yourself, but they are also available for sale. Probably the question of how to plant carrots without thinning is so pressing that producers of carrot seeds decided to solve it forever by producing ready-made tapes with glued seed material. You can find them in good seed stores at a low cost.

The disadvantage of this method is that if you can’t buy the tape, you have to make it yourself rather time-consuming and troublesome. But, in addition, good germination is not guaranteed if the seeds are bad or if the soil is not suitable for growing the crop.

How to plant using an egg tray?

Planting with an egg tray

Gardeners who use a variety of methods and are still unsure how to plant carrots without thinning them can try the egg tray method.

In order to plant carrots using this method, you need to take two paper egg trays for 3 dozen. They are placed one inside the other so that they become very dense. Now you need to press the cardboard into the ground so that small holes remain. It is in them that carrot seeds are placed, 1-2 pieces at a time.

Due to the large distance between the seeds, they do not have to be thinned, but the number of seedlings depends on the quality of the seed. So it’s better not to skimp on seeds.

What technological innovations are there?

Technological innovations for planting carrots

There is a special device for sowing carrots. This is a kind of design with two wheels on the sides and a small container for seeds. You can buy it in gardening stores.

The peculiarity of such a seeder is that it plants seeds one at a time, at the required distance from each other.

Thanks to such a seeder, the question of how to plant carrots in open ground, so as not to thin out later, disappears by itself.

Seeders work using the following technology: spikes in the structure make furrows of the required depth, then a seed falls out of a special hole into the hole, and the wheel that follows rakes and compacts the soil a little.

This miracle device comes in different types, depending on the manufacturer, the number of seeds (there are small and large mechanisms), and additional functions.

The method is effective and has proven itself well, but it is not always possible to make such a mechanism yourself - it’s easier to buy it. The most difficult thing in the design is the dosage of seeds, because it is necessary that not only 1-3 seeds are poured into the hole.

Basic rules and criteria for choosing a finished model

If you can’t make a planter with your own hands for various reasons, you can purchase it at any construction market. However, when choosing a model, you should pay attention to such aspects.

  1. Productivity . The most effective devices are those with a trailed operating system, since they allow you to process a fairly large area of ​​land. For sowing in small areas, it is more advisable to use manual units.
  2. Weight . Manual seeders are the lightest, which greatly simplifies the work process and does not overload the farmer. Towed devices carry the heaviest weight, and you need to get used to working with them.
  3. Functionality . Trailed devices have the richest functionality, which can be used not only for sowing seeds, but also for cultivating, loosening the soil, applying fertilizers, etc. Manual units are considered less functional.
  4. Adjustment options . Typically, the simplest manual models cannot compete with automated devices in terms of adjusting furrow depth and row width. Trailed planters are equipped with a function for adjusting these parameters, and also make it possible to change the size of the hole in the seed container, which significantly expands the range of seeds sown.

Today, manufacturers offer consumers a huge range of seeders that have excellent functionality, practicality and a long service life. Among the models that are popular with farmers are precision seeding devices “SOR-1/1”, “1001-V”, “SMK-1”, pneumatic models made in China and Poland, and trailing mechanisms made in China, Ukraine, and America.

Planting with a bottle with a spout

Carrots have small seeds. They will be evenly distributed in the garden bed if sowing is carried out using a device for planting carrots. To do this, you can take an oil bottle with a dispenser.

If you don’t have one at home, any plastic bottle will do, with a hole made in the lid and a cocktail straw inserted into it. The structure is tightly secured with tape. To ensure uniform sowing, shake the bottle slightly. Thinning, of course, will need to be done, but not much.

Read also: What does the grass look like?

How to make a carrot seeder with your own hands

A carrot planter is an excellent assistant in the agricultural industry, however, if it is not possible to purchase a model from the manufacturer, then you can make it yourself using available materials.

Dimensions and drawings

Before you start making a seeder, you need to draw up a drawing and design of the unit.

For independent production, experts recommend choosing the simplest models, drawings of which can be found on the Internet.

Each master can choose the design of a homemade seeder at his own discretion, however, the universal design includes three main components:

  • container for laying seeds;
  • a device that allows you to separate seed material from the total quantity;
  • mechanism that covers seeds with soil.

Materials and tools for work

To make a device without resorting to large financial and time costs, you need to prepare the materials:

  • a plastic tank for placing seed material;
  • the axis on which the seed container will be located, for example, a bolt;
  • a tube made of aluminum or plastic, as long as the depth of the tank, required for the seed material;
  • metal pipe of the same size;
  • steel wire;
  • washers for securing parts;
  • wooden handle, you can take a shovel handle;
  • a steel sheet in the form of a hoe, for raking the soil after sowing seeds.

During the work you will need the following tools:

  • sharpened knife for cutting plastic;
  • measuring instruments: tape measure, level;
  • saw for metal and wood.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The process of producing a homemade planter is quite simple:

  1. A hole is drilled exactly in the center of the container.
  2. A triangle-shaped hole is made in the lid, which is necessary for filling the seed material.
  3. A valve is made from tin according to the size of the triangular hole, and it is secured in one of the corners using a screw and nut.
  4. A plastic tube is inserted into the hole made in the seed container, which will add strength when installing the handle and will prevent the seeds from spilling out.
  5. A piece of steel pipe is inserted into the plastic tube, through which a long bolt passes.
  6. The entire mechanism is secured through the hole on the end side of the wooden handle by inserting washers using a long screw and nut.
  7. On one side of the tank, mark the points for the holes. The interval between the holes is 30 mm, while its diameter is equal to the diameter of the seeds. The holes are made using a hot nail.

To automate the processes of sowing seed material, additional devices can be attached to the structure, for example, a container for filling planting furrows. To do this, a structure similar to a hoe is made from a sheet of steel and attached to a handle, slightly above the container in which the planting material is located.

Video: Homemade seeder for small seeds

Sowing on toilet paper

Toilet paper, especially white paper, is great for sowing seeds. It is very simple to use: you need to cut pieces of the required size and cover the soil with them. After that, the seeds are carefully sown on the paper and sprayed with water from a spray bottle. You will need to pour a little earth on top of them - 1.5-2 cm. But if these are small flower seeds, then you can leave them as is and not sprinkle them with anything.

Basic rules of use

One of the main advantages of a homemade seeder is its ease of operation. Even a novice farmer can handle its management:

  1. Before starting sowing activities, it is recommended to thoroughly prepare the soil, loosen or dig it, and moisten it.
  2. Next, using a hoe, you need to make furrows of the same length in the garden bed.
  3. A hand seeder should be inserted into the furrows and walked along the rows. During movement, seeds will evenly pour out of the container and be distributed throughout the area.
  4. If you have a steel hoe plate that covers the sown seed material with soil, you won’t have to go through the area twice.
  5. If you want to sow larger or smaller seeds, you just need to change the tank to a new one, with holes suitable for a certain size of seed material.

A carrot planter will allow every summer resident to do spring sowing work quickly and with pleasure. The described unit has a simple design, easy to control and operate. And by following simple recommendations, you can make a practical and effective unit with your own hands, without spending a lot of time and money.


The Tempo Vaderstad is a new generation high-speed seed drill that is precise and works twice as fast as traditional seed drills.
Tempo copes well with sowing under any conditions and is suitable for work after both traditional and minimum tillage technologies, providing excellent results - uniform and friendly shoots, which is the best start for plant growth and development. The “heart” of the Tempo seeder is the unique Gilstring Seed Meter, which guarantees excellent seeding accuracy at very high speeds for this process. Under the influence of excess pressure, seeds are transported by air from the sowing apparatus to the bottom of the furrow. The “precise shot” technology of the Power Shoot system, which uses the action of excess air pressure, completely controls the movement of seeds from the sowing device to its placement in the ground: the action of gravity becomes meaningless, and the speed of movement does not affect the accuracy of seed distribution in the row. Working at high speeds of the sowing unit, the device is not exposed to changes in terrain and vibration, which is positive for the quality of sowing. At the exit from the seed tubes, the seeds are caught by a pressure wheel.

The latter delivers the seeds to the precisely designated place and presses them into the soil. This ensures optimal contact of seeds with soil, as well as rapid and uniform germination.

The seeder is capable of sowing seeds of corn, sugar beets, soybeans, rapeseed, cotton, sorghum and other crops. Replacing discs is very convenient and only takes a few seconds (without using any additional tools).

Carrot seeder

The small size of the seeds causes certain difficulties when planting carrots; there is a risk of uneven consumption of the contents of the bag with a beautiful picture of a carrot on the cover. If you planned to plant this tasty vegetable along the entire length of the prepared bed, then if planted unevenly, the seeds end up in exactly half of the planned area. After the growth of uneven seedlings, it is necessary to further thin out the thickened planting, and some of the seedlings will simply go to waste. If this is not done, the carrot harvest will not resemble the luxurious beauty from the cover of the seed bag, which still needs to be purchased, but will look like ugly, unsightly pods.

Landing on the tape

There are different methods for planting carrots. One of them makes the work of gardeners much easier. It consists in the fact that planting is carried out on tapes that are sold in specialized stores. Seeds are already glued to them. How to plant carrots? The technology is very simple. Furrows are made in the beds, ribbons with seeds are stretched along them and sprinkled with soil.

You can make a device for planting carrot seeds yourself. To do this, take loose paper, maybe toilet paper. Strips are cut to the required width, usually two centimeters. A starch paste is prepared. It is applied in droplets, at a distance of 2.5 centimeters, onto the strip. A carrot seed is placed on top of each droplet.

To ensure a large harvest, fertilizer with a mineral composition is added to the water for preparing the paste. One tablespoon of the additive is enough per liter of water. To save time, wide paper is not cut into strips, but drops of glue are applied on both sides. Planting carrot seeds on tape has the following advantages:

  • The sowing process is facilitated by the fact that all preparatory work is carried out at home and not in the field. Evenly spaced seeds on paper produce the same seedlings.
  • The planting material is embedded in the ground to the same depth, as it is glued to one tape.
  • Seed consumption is reduced by 20 times compared to the conventional sowing method, and the yield increases.
  • The tape is a covering material for carrots, thanks to which it is protected from damage by carrot flies.

Why do you need a small seed seeder?

To get rid of such difficulties, amateur gardeners have come up with a device for planting carrots, with which you can evenly plant small seeds, then carrot sprouts will appear from the ground at the same distance from each other. Planting carrots using a seeder creates excellent conditions for the ripening of the crop, because as they grow, the root crops will increase in size and, when fully ripe, will not interfere with each other. In addition, uniform planting of seeds with a seeder makes it much easier to grow this tasty vegetable, weed carrots and loosen the soil without the risk of damaging the plant.

The carrot seeder greatly simplifies the planting of small vegetable seeds

It is advisable to mulch a bed with grown root crops with grass or compost. You can even lightly hill up the plant and sprinkle the root crop with soil. This simple step will prevent the formation of green tips on the edges of the carrots.

Sowing mixed with sand

The seeds must be thoroughly mixed with a large amount of sand, taken in a ratio of 1:4 to 1:10. After this, you can start sowing in any convenient way. For example, you can take them in a pinch and pour them into the ground, or use a syringe or seeder.

After planting is completed, the soil should be well moistened with a spray bottle. It is undesirable to use a watering can: drops of water are too heavy for small seeds and can drag them into the depths, from where it will not be easy for them to break out into the sunlight.

Rules for planting carrots

The carrot seeder makes it possible to sow seeds in pre-prepared shallow grooves, at an even distance of 1.5 to 2.0 cm from each other. The recommended distance between the rows should be from 15 to 20 cm. For industrial planting, carrots are best planted in the form of double rows with a distance between them of up to 20 cm and a wide row spacing of 40 to 50 cm. It is recommended to place the rows perpendicular to the long side of the bed, for convenient subsequent plant care.

Prices for used seeders

The cost of used carrot seeders is influenced by many different factors:

  • year of issue;
  • intensity of use;
  • state;
  • availability of additional options.
NameCondition/year of manufactureCost, rub.
SRT-1New7 390
MSO F12007510 000
Magicsem MS41002009460 000
MSO F12012760 000
Magicsem MS41002014870 000

Types of carrot seed drills

It’s easy to make your own carrot seeder

An excellent help for gardeners, greatly facilitating their hard work, will be the use of such a simple device as a manual seeder for carrots and other small seeds. Using seeders when planting small seeds gives excellent results:

  • Uniform and economical planting of planting materials;
  • The seeder ensures that seeds are planted at the same depth;
  • Equal distance between future shoots;
  • Simplicity and ease of use;
  • Possibility of assembling a seeder from scrap materials with your own hands.

Using a manual carrot sowing tool, you can sow small seeds of vegetable crops such as carrots and beets in a short time and over a wide area. After the emergence of seedlings, there will be no need to remove thickened excess plants and injure the remaining seedlings.

If you show a little imagination and carefully look at various simple seeders, it is not difficult to make a device for planting carrots and other crops with your own hands.

Planting carrot seeds with a manual piston planter

According to the popularity rating, we can name the following seeders that occupy leading places in the top:

  • Manual carrot planter. Using this device, smooth, shallow grooves are created into which any small vegetable seeds can be sown. The device is equipped with a special wheel with spikes or metal blades, which press even, identical holes into the soil. The design of the seeder includes a hopper with a spout and an adjustable valve responsible for supplying seeds from the hopper. The second smaller wheel performs the function of filling the seeds with soil and compacting it;
  • Syringe. The simplest seeder is a small plastic container with a dispenser located at the bottom. When the piston is pressed, a hole opens at the bottom through which small seeds fall into the soil. This device can be purchased at almost all gardening stores. Some home craftsmen make a planter with a piston with their own hands. Instead of a purchased piston seeder, many summer residents and gardeners use an ordinary medical syringe. Unfortunately, this alternative type of replacement brings a number of inconveniences: seeds scattering in different directions from the furrow, as well as difficulties in equal dosing of seed material;
  • Funnel. The simplest carrot seed seeder is a large plastic dispenser with a miniature spout and a funnel-shaped cone with a hole at the bottom, closed by an adjustable diaphragm. Place the device at a slight angle to the soil and shake lightly. The seeds roll down the inclined groove of the seeder and evenly fall into the grooves prepared in advance. With a certain skill, correctly located even grooves are obtained.

In addition to the most popular manual carrot seeders listed, summer residents and gardeners use other planting methods: paste the seeds onto paper, use an egg tray as a template for planting, use special mini-rakes and many other methods and methods.

Carrots planted with a seeder do not need thinning

Reasons for poor germination and ways to solve the problem

Carrots are a cold-resistant plant - the seeds are sown either before winter or in early spring. A prerequisite is that the soil must be well moistened, then the carrots will sprout vigorously.

Plant the seeds in the ground to a depth of 2-2.5 cm. Too deep or very shallow furrow leads to germination problems:

  • when planted deeply, the seeds do not have enough strength to germinate;
  • Shallow planting leads to leaching of seeds from the soil.

Water the soil before planting, not after, so as not to wash out the seeds. Fresh crops are mulched with straw, grass clippings or peat.

Carrots do not need frequent watering, but for good germination the soil should be thoroughly moistened. Mulch will retain moisture, which the plants will consume as needed.

Carrot seeder in the form of a mini tractor

If a dacha or garden plot has a large area on which it is planned to plant a significant amount of vegetable crops, and the owner of the dacha plot has “golden hands”, then in this case it is best to plant seeds with a homemade device in the form of a tractor, assembled with your own hands. At the beginning of the work, sketches and drawings are drawn up with the individual design of the seeder. You will also need the following parts: a metal axle, aluminum tubes, wheels and a piece of sheet iron.

The simplest tractor seeder

This minimal set of simple parts allows you to manually create a real mini-tractor for planting seeds.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Aluminum hollow tubes need to be turned into comfortable handles;
  2. The loading hopper is made of sheet iron in the form of a cone or funnel and is located on the axis at a distance of 1 cm;
  3. Each cone has a sharp end going down. At the bottom of the cone there is a hole measuring 0.1 cm in width;
  4. The central main axle is attached to the wheels, the manufactured seed hoppers are placed on top of the axle with handles;
  5. You can even install a limiter for marking rows.

A homemade mini-tractor, assembled with your own hands, is tested and adjusted so that the carrot seed falls out evenly and with the same frequency.

The use of such simple technological planting methods allows you to quickly and efficiently plant large areas of a summer house or garden with seeds. In addition, the price of such a seeder will be minimal, since it is manufactured independently and with your own hands.

Homemade seeders

The do-it-yourself carrot seeder is made in two versions. Let’s immediately make a reservation that we present schemes that are popular among summer residents.

Taking any option as a basis, you can design fundamentally new equipment that will fully meet your needs. So, let's go from simple to complex.

Option #1

To make this planter you will need a plastic can, a bolt and nut, two washers, a handle and a piece of sheet metal. The assembly diagram looks like this:

The width of the can must correspond to the length of the bolt, which will serve as the axis. The best option would be to use flat plastic seafood containers. Please note that you need to make a door, which will be required for pouring seeds into the jar.

Option No. 2

When telling how to make a carrot seeder, it is worth considering a more complex manufacturing scheme. Let's figure out how to construct a self-propelled model.

Both designs need to be tested in the field. This will help make the final adjustment of the equipment.


What is it and on what principle does it work?

A seeder is a special device that is used for sowing seeds. The principle of operation is simple: the machine moves through the garden, digging furrows along the way. The seeds are poured out to the required depth. The distance between them is also maintained. If necessary, mineral fertilizer is added, and at the end everything is evenly covered with soil. With the help of a seeder, the whole procedure does not take much time. The person only monitors the correct operation of the device.

Seeders are:

  • manual;
  • trailed;
  • self-propelled

Reference. Each type of seeder has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of carrots

This vegetable contains a huge amount of useful substances that have a positive effect on the body.

  • Carrots are rich in vitamin A. It is enough to consume two vegetables to meet the body's daily needs. The vitamin is better absorbed if carrots are grated and mixed with vegetable oil. This vitamin is good for the eyes. Regular consumption of carrots solves many vision problems.

  • Boiled vegetable is good for people with high blood sugar.
  • Carrots bring invaluable benefits to blood vessels and the heart. Eating fresh root vegetables helps lower cholesterol levels. Due to the high potassium content, blood circulation in the brain is normalized. The risk of developing diseases such as stroke is reduced.
  • The vegetable is useful for hypertension, varicose veins, and atherosclerosis.
  • Carrots are an excellent preventative against cancer.
  • Eating vegetables improves carbohydrate metabolism, solves problems with constipation, cleanses the intestines, liver and kidneys, removes toxins and wastes,
  • Carrots are an excellent diuretic and choleretic agent. Thanks to the root crop, sand comes out of the buds.
  • The vegetable has a wound-healing effect. To do this, just apply it to the sore spot.

One of the main secrets of growing carrots is properly sown seed material. If planting in beds is continuous, this will not only lead to wasteful use of seedlings, but will also provoke the appearance of dense shoots, therefore, labor-intensive work will be required to remove weak shoots. To make it easier to sow small seeds, there are devices for planting carrots, which you can buy at specialized retail outlets or make yourself. They promote good germination of seedlings and make them easier to care for.

How to choose a planter for your garden?

Important! When purchasing a device, there are several factors to consider: performance, weight, adjustment options, functionality and cost.

  1. Performance. If you need to work over a large area, trailed devices will be considered the most effective. It is more convenient to plant medium-sized crops using self-propelled ones. Manual seeders are suitable for summer cottages.
  2. Weight. The lightest will be manual seeders, followed by self-propelled ones. The heaviest ones are trailed ones; they cannot be used without special equipment.
  3. Adjustment options. When growing carrots, different methods are used. In each of them, the technological process has its own requirements. When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the adjustment parameters of the seeding module types.
    Key parameters:
    • spaces between rows;
    • pit depth;

  4. consumption rate of sowing material.
  5. This may not be the case with manual seeders.

  6. Price. The most expensive ones will be trailed and self-propelled. Manual seeders are a more budget-friendly option.
  7. Functionality. It is better to choose a multifunctional device. In this way, the labor intensity of the process can be reduced. It is worth paying attention to devices that are suitable for planting different crops.

We present you with a video on how to choose the right seeder:

Carrot seeder - an overview of ready-made and home-made devices

Not a single garden can do without healthy carrots.
If a person has a garden, then he tries to grow his own products in it. This is correct, because only by planting crops with our own hands can we be sure of their quality and usefulness. The work of a summer resident cannot be called simple; during the season you need to do a lot of different things, without which you cannot get a harvest. To make your work easier, you can use different devices - a carrot seeder is a good example of this. You can buy it in a store, or make it yourself, there are many options and let’s get to know them.

This is interesting! Nowadays, there are more than 60 varieties of orange root vegetables; its homeland is the original Afghanistan. Europeans learned about carrots around the 10th century.

Briefly about other types

A trailed seeder is a device for planting seeds that does not work autonomously, but in conjunction with a monoblock or cultivator. Allows you to cultivate large areas, sow, while simultaneously preparing the soil.

Units with a trailed operating principle are leaders among their analogues in terms of productivity. They are suitable for processing large, open and accessible areas. Functionally, they can also be used for various purposes: from sowing carrots and other vegetable crops to fertilizing and preparing the soil. In terms of cost, these models are superior to all previously discussed.

Self-propelled seeder is the most popular and in-demand unit for small farms. Its main advantage over its manual counterpart is the presence of a motor and, as a result, the absence of the need for additional labor costs associated with moving the unit itself.

Varieties of seeds

Lawns are planted on a plot of land for different purposes, for this reason several varieties of seeds have been created. It is necessary to mark the areas on the territory that will be sown with lawn, after which you need to select suitable seeds. If after a few years you decide that you no longer need a lawn, you will have difficulty clearing the ground of grass, since in a couple of years the turf will become very strong and thick. Most often, country or suburban areas are decorated with the following types of lawns.


This type of lawn has a decorative function. The greenery is very soft, bright and dense, but it is not worth walking on it, as the grass is easily damaged and cannot be restored. The grass should be carefully maintained. Typically, decorative lawns are planted in prominent places that attract attention.


Landscape lawn has a less attractive appearance than a decorative surface, but it is stable and has a high level of regeneration. You can plant a lawn on the land where the recreation area is located. Garden greenery is easy to care for.


A sports lawn has thick, durable greenery on which to run, jump, walk and play sports. If a person suddenly falls on the lawn, he will not receive damage, since the greenery will soften the fall. This variety is often planted in areas where children play. The lawn needs to be looked after.


This is a lawn variety that consists of several plants that live for more than 2 years. The lawn resembles in its appearance a forest clearing or meadow, which is decorated with miniature and beautiful flowers. A meadow lawn looks beautiful and is also low maintenance.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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