Gas equipment nozzles
How a gas burner for a stove works - types, advantages of use
The design of a car gas injector is inherently quite simple and consists of an electromagnetic valve.
Portable device for gas dynamic coating spraying
Gas-dynamic metal spraying is performed with the aim of imparting the necessary properties to the surfaces of metal and non-metal products.
Heat and electrical conductivity of magnesium – Physical properties of magnesium: density, heat capacity, thermal conductivity
What is Magnesium? It is a metal, an element of D. Mendeleev’s periodic table. International designation (and
How to connect a three-phase current generator to the home network
UPD: Connecting the boiler to the generator. Often a generator is purchased to be used in the winter.
Features of the reverse-step method of welding single-layer and multi-layer seams
Home / Welding technique Back Reading time: 2 min 0 408 One of
powder painting of C21 corrugated sheets in RAL in 3 days in Smolensk
Powder painting in Moscow +7 (495) 605 78 90 +7 (916) 727 65 68
Powder painting is a method of producing polymer coatings with high protective and decorative properties. The
Pulse (siphon) tubes for pressure gauge (Perkins tubes)
70 Category: Technologies and solutions Safety in the workplace is the number one issue on
microwave burner operation
Operating principle, features and connection diagram of a lightning burner from a microwave transformer
Lightning patterns and tree silhouettes can be created using high voltage from the microwave power supply.
Application of resistance welding in the automotive industry, vehicle repair and maintenance
It is important to note that welding sheets of thin metal is very different from welding parts made of
Feed box of a lathe. Feed box device
Contents The gearbox of a lathe refers to the main parts of the spindle drive. It's made for
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