Rating of hydrometers for batteries and antifreeze


Alcohol hydrometers are used to control the quality of alcoholic beverages both in production and at home.

According to their functionality and other features, devices are divided into categories and types, and each of them is suitable for solving a particular problem.

Categories and types of hydrometers:

  • household: glass flasks with weighting, scale range from 0 to 90%;
  • laboratory: professional meters with the highest possible accuracy, glass (ASP-1, ASP-2, ASP-3) and metal.
  • optical: used for liquids with impurities (wine, liquor), range from 0 to 40%, are accurate, do not require temperature control;
  • shot glass: small device, scale from 0 to 96%, often shows inaccurate results;
  • vinometers: determines the strength and level of sugar, the scale range is relatively small, for sugar from 0 to 25%, for alcohol - from 0 to 12%.

What is a hydrometer

Density is the weight of sulfuric acid mixed with water relative to the entire volume of the solution; in other words, it is the degree of acidification of this mixture. The law of hydrostatics states that when a body is immersed in a liquid medium, its weight is equal to the mass of the displaced volume. This simple device works on the basis of this principle, allowing you to determine the acidity of the mixture in g/cm3 with an accuracy of hundredths of a value.

Structurally, a hydrometer for a battery has the form of a glass float with a measurement scale located inside. In many models it is placed in a transparent flask (pipette) made of glass or plastic. This simplifies the fluid collection procedure as much as possible. When using some types of hydrometers, it is possible to measure not only the acidity, but also the temperature of the antifreeze. When fully assembled, the entire structure consists of the following parts:

  • Hydrometer;
  • Pear;
  • A glass pipette into which the device itself is placed;
  • Tight cork;
  • Fence.

How does an alcohol meter work?

After purchasing a hydrometer, a problem may arise: the new owner cannot always understand the instructions and understand how the device works. At the same time, not everyone follows some of the nuances specified in the annotation, and without taking them into account, difficulties may arise with the use of the device and the accuracy of the indicators.

It would seem that everything is extremely simple: you need to immerse a hydrometer containing a load of a certain mass into a liquid. At the same time, the meter will push out part of the liquid and float to the surface to the degree-determining division.

But! Measurements taken by beginners, without understanding all the intricacies of the process, sometimes give simply crazy results. For example, the device can show the strength of moonshine as much as 98 degrees.

To prevent such mistakes from happening, you need to carefully study the issue and take into account all the small details:

  • for each task a certain type of device must be used: for example, household or laboratory, with a scale of 0-100% only for moonshine or other strong drinks of a homogeneous composition;
  • Such specialized equipment should only be stored in its original packaging; be sure to observe the temperature conditions for use;
  • measure liquids containing impurities only with optical or electronic alcohol meters, as well as wine meters.

Universal household electrolyte hydrometer

Electrolyte and antifreeze hydrometer with funnel MEASURE

Electrolyte hydrometer

JTC electrolyte hydrometer

Universal household electrolyte and antifreeze hydrometer IMETERIT

ALCA electrolyte hydrometer

JTC electrolyte hydrometer

Electrolyte hydrometer SPARTA

FORSAGE electrolyte hydrometer

Electrolyte hydrometer IMG

Electrolyte and antifreeze hydrometer AET-1

Good day, dear readers.

A little background. My car is quite old, the season is winter; in the morning and evening with the headlights, stove and other energy consumers on, and sometimes the original generator cannot cope. A couple of times I almost sat the battery at 0 and without that I brought it home a couple more times for maintenance and recharged it with a charger. Each time I added distilled water to the required level, because... the level always dropped. This prompted the idea that it would be a good idea to check the density of the electrolyte. I decided to take the “Universal Antifreeze and Electrolyte Hydrometer MEASURIT”. As usual, I made the purchase at the store on Ketcherskaya 2-A.

I also purchased electrolyte and distilled water.

This is a small box.

Passport and instructions.

Judging by the description in the instructions, and in articles from the Internet, the density should be 1270 kg/m3.

I prepared the battery: warmed it up and charged it.

Below is the process itself:

We assemble the device and take a sample:

In the first chamber there is 1170 kg/m3 - which is pretty bad. According to recommendations with such a density, you need to add concentrate, not electrolyte, or even replace the entire electrolyte with a new one.

Then I measured it in all other cameras.

It turned out that in the outer chambers the density is low, and in the central ones it is slightly better, but also below normal. Next I started adding electrolyte. They write that you need to take part of the liquid from the chamber, and replace half of the taken part with fresh electrolyte, gently shake the battery and measure again, if you are not satisfied with the resulting density, then take half of this part and change the same half of what was taken.

I did a little work with transfusions in the first chamber and came to a result of 1220 kg/m3. I estimated that a liter of electrolyte would not be enough for me and left it at that level. Then I carried out a similar procedure in all chambers, the electrolyte ran out and the level was on average the same everywhere - 1220 kg/m3.

I installed the battery in the car and it reciprocated. The starter threshed bless you.

I am satisfied with the purchase. I hope my review and mini review will be useful to you. I wish you successful purchases

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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