Thread cutting - article about taps
Extension cord for feather drill. There's a problem. It is necessary to drill timber walls at the dacha with a feather drill
Flux-cored wires for welding and surfacing
About different methods of restoring a seat on a shaft or surfacing versus sputtering
Technological operations when surfacing a shaft: Selection of surfacing technology and material that we will surfacing for
04_Stroke and pitch of thread.jpg
Characteristics and features of tapered thread
Description Tapered pipe threads have a similar profile to cylindrical threads, but differ in diameter reduction from
Where to find nichrome thread
How to replace nichrome wire. Where to get nichrome wire. Characteristics of nichrome thread
In our country there will never be a shortage of “folk craftsmen”. Russian people have always been different
Job description of a gas welder (4-5 category)
I. General provisions 1. A person who has professional training according to the programs is appointed to the position of gas welder
How and with what to brew duralumin at home
One of the most common non-ferrous metals is aluminum; it is used both in its pure form and
What is passivation? Description, features and application of passivation
What is passivation? Description, features and application of passivation Ahead of time. In 1836 he was found
Musat for sharpening knives: what it is, photos, types, how to choose, how to sharpen and edit knives
What is musat for knives? Must is a tool that looks like a metal or ceramic rod.
circular saw, drill, hand, wood
The process of making a lathe from a hand-held electric drill is almost always at the disposal of the master at the beginning
What is the difference between steel 20 and steel 09g2s
Features of welding different types of low-alloy steel. The best welding method, its technology
Types of low-alloy steel Structural low-alloy steels are classified: low-carbon (up to 0.25% carbon); medium carbon (0.2-0.45%); heat resistant.
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